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Author on Reedsy Prompts since Jul, 2024
Submitted to Contest #278
I’m sorry. You know, I go to the grocery store and buy oranges, the sweet fruit that always scented your air. I go to the grocery store and buy the oranges, just to come home and place it on the table, the texture catching the glare of the light. I always keep one on my desk as a reminder of you. But lately I've been going to the florist too. I pick out tulips, delicate and beautiful as you are. I bring them home, feeling nothing when the florist flirts with me. I want you. I gently take the flowers and cut their stems, ...
Submitted to Contest #277
The white milk dribbled down Thornveil’s sharp teeth. Fresh red, stood bright against her light fur, vibrant and taunting, as if a fragile string was dangling… The light patter of Aurora’s feet, signaling that she was awake, shoo-ed Thornveil into her corner of the room, tail standing straight, with the bustling servants entering the room. The sunlight streamed through the mesh curtains (the purpose of which seemed pointless), with the maids immediately tending to the princess. She was bathed, briskly tucked into layer after laye...
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