Hamadryad 77
Author on Reedsy Prompts since Sep, 2019
Author on Reedsy Prompts since Sep, 2019
Submitted to Contest #8
"Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me." -Psalm 51:10 Hello! I am a slow writer but I have many, many stories that I want to write. My current longer story is called The Psycho Dispatch. I came up with the idea when I was a teen and am finally writing it. It's turning out differently than I had planned... Which is probably a good thing. (I finished the first draft! Yay me!) I've also just finished off a novella I was working on for 2019 and 2020's NanoWrimo. It's called Animal Heart. Both it and The Psycho Dispatch are now in editing. All this has made me too busy to do all the fun things on Reedsy. Can't wait to get more involved again! Thank you to all the people who have been liking my stories and following me in the meantime. I am also fascinated with crochet, though I am yet an amateur. The unicorn amigurumi in my icon is my own pattern. Her name is Johanna ^-^ I LOVE reading Currently reading/translating: Yume Miru Taiyou (Japanese language edition) by Takano Ichigo A Study in Scarlet by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Because music is important to my life and my writing: "honto wa ne" -THE KIDDIE "kono deremo inai heya de" -GACKT "Singin' in the Rain" -L'Arc En Ciel "Au Revoir" -Malice Mizer "Graze" -SHINee "Don't Touch My Girl" -Boyfriend "Happy Happy" -TWICE "Rose" -Lee Hi "The Popular Thing" -Jukebox the Ghost "On The Tower" -Sondre Lerche "Magic" -Alexander Rybak