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Author on Reedsy Prompts since Oct, 2021
The family of a sugarcane magnate was having their family dinner at their patio to enjoy the summer breeze while their house helper was serving their meal, There were four elaborate plates for the family. Dr. Edward Cornejo was seated at the head of the table , his wife seated at his right hand and two of their children were seated at the left side of the table. Mrs. Carmela Cornejo was cheerful to greet her children since they came home for their summer vacation. Their table topic while eating were their activities Melchor now twenty f...
In the animal kingdom each specie has to set up his own territory in order to survive. It is like having a king and his army to safeguard his territory that no other specie could intrude to its area of jurisdiction that's why there are king's guards to look into the the security of the area. How wide is given to two guards armed with their bows and arrows of KING WHITE RABBIT in their proper uniforms so their fellow rabbit citizens can recognize just in case they sense an emergency or there are suspicious characters that may appear in thei...
Elisa must have lost her strength and people may see her in her black dress and be the center of all attention to see how she handles the last moments to see her husband go. Last night she arranged the car with her friend to bring her to the funeral home to be with her daughter in a limousine. Elisa was wondering why the other members of the family cannot join her, Many people have gathered already aside from family and friends Elisa was surprised to see her manager not her supervisor. She approached him and escorted him to the displaye...
Mitzie had been preparing this trip to go and visit her aunt. It would be an extraordinary trip. Imagine how exciting it would be to travel by plane in which she could only visualize in her imagination, that place where a king reigns over many nations. But a week before her trip his father was rushed to the hospital and she had to decide to cancel her trip to Europe. She learned that his Father Salvador according to the attending physician of his father had a suspicion that he has cancer, MItzie felt an agonizing fear knowing his father ...
My Father Greg got his driver's license a year after he arrived in North America. It was really hard for him to adjust at that time upon arrival shocked of the winter cold coming from a tropical country. His first step is to work and how much was his disappointment when he learned that his job would be a mall cleaner. I didn't know this made him cry when I learned the garbage bag that he threw up to the garbage bin burst and he was hit that he almost fell to the ground. He felt angry landing on this kind of job whereas his job where he cam...
Who would know the origin of all knowledge if not the Written wo Why written word? This is the only basis that man can discern his own existence on Earth. They call the written word to be scriptures written by scribes. Before the written word man worship the physical world . Their gods are numerous. They build temples to venerate them in the form of deities. They ask favor from these individual deities. One deity whom they present their offerings in exchange of a favor they are asking such as conceiving a child or simple favor of healing...
Mirasol is preparing food for the coming celebration of her daughter's eighteenth birthday. She must have to pick the right foods for these group of teens who may be having some difficulty when it comes to the kind of food they must be eating. Marivic her daughter wants to please her friends telling her mother to pick the food they want to eat on her birthday. So Marisol secretly gathered recipes for the occasion. She knows how food affects the overall health of the family and she wanted to share the healthy food her family is eating and ...
It was Emely's last year in high school. Sometimes it was boring for her to do all her subject assignments day in and day out. She thought of joining a pen pal club to spend her free time answering letters from pen friends. Letters came by trickles at the first month but soon the school mailbox was full of letters sent to her. She tried to answer them all but later on she noticed her allowance was almost spent for stamps so she began to choose who are her pen friends to be amusing and interesting. One of them comes from a well known fam...
For those who are believers about creation let me tell you why not to be skeptic of the beginning when this world where humans lived was being created. But first we must delve into the early periods of human civilizations that were erased by time and disappeared on Earth. Take into account the Mayan Ruins that proves the Mayan civilization has existed the same thing with the Pyramids of Egypt when Pharaohs ruled the land. The mythical Greek civilization who has an indelible contribution to human civilization maybe the most mysterious for...
The Art Exhibit will be held in the middle of March at the gallery of a Five Star Hotel in the metropolis. Marjorie and Hector agreed to attend the event thinking they would be able to meet the well known National Artist of the whole country. Why they were so anxious to meet him being their classmate in their elementary grades who learned the basic colors and the art of painting. First , when their teacher let them identify the basic colors in their coloring books, they have to identify objects before coloring them. In those early years Mar...
The rainy season has started after a long summer bringing a relief to the dried open cracks of soil in which farmers are waiting for. If the rain continues and the rice paddies are filled with rain water farmers have to bring out their farm equipment. They used to fatten their farm animals but technology took over to till the soil and prepare the rice paddies This time Faustino arrived for vacation to pick up his parents who felt melancholic nostalgia of his childhood. Two decades ago as a growing child he went along with his father to til...
Some parents tries to hold the minds of their children. Can you imagine if their children ask permission to have a slip in with their friend they almost panic and say to their children many precautionary measures not to do this or that at their friend's house. At a certain household here the reigns of strict discipline is applied in which Renato finds his actions are following the rules set by his [parents. That summer his parents set to spend a one week vacation at the provincial park. What would be expected with another family to be the...
They say that action speaks more than words that many times we hear someone say " I can"t say it," What does that mean? Many people work and have hobbies that they made ihese hobbies to earn a living and their work will say what they want to say. take the case of a painter who uses his paint brush working inside his studio unwind silently painting what he sees in his mind or go to an open field and paint a landscape and that gift of silence is guiding him to finish his work. Any distraction might hinder the flow of beautiful scenery and colo...
How did Love started? Many wonders where it came from. Think about it . There are many definitions of Love. May it be kindness, mercy or charity? To a believer in God.s perspective God is Love. Who does God love? Many said , For God so loves the world that He gave His only begotten that no one will perish but have an everlasting life. There is much to ponder about these words of God. Humans in the world is that what it means? This makes sense to believers but nothing sensible to non believers. Why do believers put all their efforts to pr...
Why is there a New Year to celebrate? When did the calendar started? As an ordinary person this might be surreal to change something every time New Year's Day is coming. To some there maybe no change in one's personal life but do what has to be done. But wait! How about if my friend Cornelio tried to make a New Year's Resolution five years ago and that resolution is continuing until now just adding or changing it a little bit or make it better. That year he was wondering what and how he could improve himself other than racing for a yearly ...
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