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Author on Reedsy Prompts since Apr, 2021
1240wdsTWINS Walking on legs like a zombie, eyes clouded with the film of tears, throat with a large pit stuck inside causing me to swallow over and over, I moved slowly toward the casket shrouded in white gauze and ...
Submitted to Contest #266
2134wds A LIFE IN THE DAY OF… That August ...
Submitted to Contest #164
IN MY MOTHER’S HOUSE Where I come from there are walls that cannot be torn down, couches and chairs covered in plastic that sticks to every exposed part of you, polished black speckled tiles under your feet instead of plushy rugs, window shades that flap against the sun that cannot find its way in… At the dinner table my mother stands against the small stove, stirring the chicken soup, frying the fish I won’t eat because of the bones, the bones I fear will stick in my throat. My father is silent, his face made of chiseled stone, my ...
Submitted to Contest #138
1973 wds A LIFE IN THE DAY OF… That August morning the milk in my cereal began to curdle and form little grayish blobs. My tongue touched a painful sore on the inside of my mouth which I assumed was a canker sore. It was only 9 a.m. and the thermometer outside had already hit 90 degrees. Opening the fr...
Submitted to Contest #126
A SORT OF RESOLUTION HAPPY NEW YEAR! he shouted, a glass of scotch clinking with ice in his large hand, this man whom I had lived with for over 30 years, bore a son and daughter with, curled under a large comforter, turned an angry back to when he would come home, intoxicated, belligerent, or just dopey, stumbling up the stairs, relinquishing his body to the alcohol that had claimed it. He placed a slobbery kiss on my lips that tightened when the taste of alcohol was on his. His pale blue eyes darkened, glared at me; a...
Submitted to Contest #124
1552wdct CROSSED WIRES The phone rings in Gary Schmidenbeger’s apartment. He is munching on some chips when he picks up it up.&nbs...
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