Gabriel Gomes

Author on Reedsy Prompts since Aug, 2024

Author bio

Actor & Writer | Born in Viseu (PT), 1996. Graduated in Theater - Acting from the Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema (Lisbon, 2017). Made his acting debut in 2010 at Teatro Viriato in Viseu. Has been directed by Graeme Pulleyn, Márcio Meirelles, John Romão, and Giacomo Scalisi, José Maria Vieira Mendes and António Durães. Founded the theater company Ardemente (2016). Published the books “Éramos Nós, Uma Arma e Nós” (2016), “Antagónico” (2022) and “Temporário Eclipse Permanente” (2023), which he presented in Portugal, Luxembourg, Germany, Brazil and the United States of America. He has done dubbing for Netflix and Sic K. Coordinates theater and writing workshops in Portugal and abroad. Recently finished his Master's degree in Creative Writing at the Faculty of Letters of the University of Coimbra.