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Author on Reedsy Prompts since Jul, 2020
I loathed you, maybe you loathed you too. You found yourself always trapped in a series of unfortunate events. Some may say you manufactured some for yourself but honestly I wish I could say that was it, if it was as is, you would have been better. Mentally, socially, psychologically, physically. You were many things. Some would call you easily phased or naïve or even perplexed and quickly deceived by what you referred to as the ‘finer things of life’ You chose them over us, a them that hurt you every time and anytime they had the opportun...
Submitted to Contest #52
I never knew my life could change because of one silly mistake made in my past. It all started 5 years ago; when my life was well... mine I guess. It would have never changed if I didn't meet him. My life was a pretty remarkable one; regardless the fact that my father was rich, I really never wanted to build my name under his. If I had a choice, I would have used my Mother's name since she was no longer with us. It would have been a whole new beginning for me. Once she passed a way, my Dad lost himself, he started to abuse me both physically...
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