Change is the only constant.
Chaos is the only order.
Paradox is the only truth.
Don't take any of this too seriously. It's only temporary.
SEX: Sure. Why not? I have a few minutes.
LIFE THEME IN A WORD: "Apocalypse"
SYMBOL: Bastet
STONE: Amethyst
PATH: Second Discordian Reformed Church of Latter Day Gnostic Druids Twice Removed, Shamanic Discordian Operatives Division (this is obviously facetious, right?)
FRAGRANCE: Rose, lavender, jasmine, cookies, hyacinth
ODD JOBS: Media maven, advocate and activist, court jester, web visionary, brain-to-pick at large, spirit dabbler
HOBBIES: The odd and the strange, punk, punk rock, punk life, things gothic, taphophilia, snakes, classical historical religious reconstruction, reading, cryptozoology, movies, snowboarding (when possible), gardening (same deal), lurking in shadowed places, the occult (more a passion than a hobby) and various arts and crafts related to occult practice
PRIZED POSSESSION: The Buddha was right on this one. Attachment leads to suffering. We're not unhappy because we don't have fancy cars or cell phones or live-in concubines--we're unhappy because we want these things. So I reply, "Prized possession? If I can possess it, it should not be prized. If I prize it, it cannot be possessed." On the other hand, I could be full of it.
FAVORITE SPORTS/PHYSICAL ACTIVITIES: Snowboarding, dancing, roller derby, skateboarding, hockey, soccer, basketball, and archaic weapons techniques
FAVORITE FOODS: Japanese, Thai, Middle Eastern, buffalo wings, tea, apples, oatmeal, and wasabi peas
FAVORITE ARTIST: Gustav Mossa, Boris Viejo, James O'Barr, Charles Addams, Eric Bakke, Coop, any Dutch artists
FAVORITE MUSIC: Avenged Sevenfold, Babes in Toyland, Brujeria, The Clash, The Cult, Dead Kennedys, Electric Hellfire Club, Husker Du, Jane's Addiction, King Diamond, KMFDM, Loudness, Marilyn Manson, Nine Inch Nails, Overkill, Rush, Voivod
FAVORITE FILMS: Almost Famous, Borat, Ed Wood, Idiocracy, Queen of the Damned, Repo The Genetic Opera, Seven, The Crow, The Matrix, The Notorious Bettie Page
DIRTY LITTLE SECRET: Ixnay. If I told you, it wouldn't be my dirty little secret anymore, would it?
WORDS TO LIVE BY: "What doesn't kill me will make me stronger. Or it may land me in court. It's all good."
INTERESTS: Amazons, angels, anthropology, archaeology, astronomy, cemeteries, clothing/costume design, crows, dianism, eschatology, ethnobotany, etymology, ghosts, gnosticism, goth, graphic design, herbalism, history, homeopathy, horror, languages, medieval literature, occult, paganism, paranormal, ravens, real vampires, shamanism, snakes, taoism, thanatology, voodoo, witchcraft, writing