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Author on Reedsy Prompts since Oct, 2022
Submitted to Contest #277
I had been an orphan for the last twenty-seven and a half hours. Twenty-seven and a half hours ago a bomb went off at the bank downtown where my mother worked. My father was an other thing that had been believed to slayed a few years ago, but no one knew for sure, and we didn't care. Mom and me never needed him. As mother and daughter, we always had each other. Until we didn't twenty-seven and a half hours ago.I walked by the river thinking what to do. I had a hideout at the very end of the city limit. We had made that little place back in f...
Submitted to Contest #168
The following is a fictional war story. While there are no detailed descriptions of gore, death is mentioned in both earnest and lite within the text as well as combat. Reader discretion is advised. “Captain, are we going to die?” Lieutenant Smith asked as he surveyed the horizon. “Of course we are Lieutenant.” I inhaled the last of my cigarette, “Every mortal man gets called by Saint Peter sooner or later. It’s the way of the world.” “I meant today, sir.” Lieutenant Smith clarified. “Oh? Yeah. Likely.” I tossed the cigarette aside and sto...
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