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Author on Reedsy Prompts since May, 2024
“Is it just us tonight?” I glanced around the bohemian living room, noting the candles, incense and more than an ample amount of floor pillows. Jocelyn kept her eyes on the tray as she set it down. Cocktails, strawberries, olives and cheese were now available. She looked up at me. “I thought it would just be the three of us…if that’s ok?” Rachel plopped down on a pillow and grabbed a strawberry, moaning as she bit into it. “Oh my god J - this is perfect!” I sat cross legged nearby and went to take the offered berry. Rachel held on ...
Submitted to Contest #250
“I don’t know why I’m struggling today, but I feel lost. Nothing seems to make sense! Life is NOT what I thought it would be…I mean, not even close!" I shift on the bare wood floor. "I have responsibilities and such. I have things I have to do and need to do. And I am just…not even done. It’s not that. I just don’t have a direction - at least not one that I’m excited to go in. Life isn’t what I thought, and I can’t exactly say so. I mean, I suppose that's why I'm talking to you. I do love my husband and my kids - so please don’t tell them - ...
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