Ed Vela started out life as a HAM actor, then bridged into playwright, winning National Contests for both his full length and one act plays, and having several plays published in the U.S., Canada and the U.K. Later he tried his hand at screenwriting with his initial screenplays winning awards at Film Fests across the country. Currently he is diligently working on a novel, and although the novel form has always proved daunting to him, he is trying his best to embrace prose as best he can. Now with over 30 stories on this site he's feeling a little more comfortable. Though with one story (Sensorama) he still "cheated" and did in a form he likes to call: Script Novella (present tense, name with a colon after for the dialogue instead of quote marks). This form can also be found (somewhat) in the story: Phases of the Rhoon. And an even weirder format was utilized in one of his latest short stories: House Boy. ReedsyPrompts is a GREAT proving ground for prose. Although Ed finds himself sometimes sticking religiously to the prompt, he can occasionally stray a bit and just touch on the exact prompt (see his stories: Sombra de Soledad and Out-Breakers for evidence of that) to tell a story he wants to tell (see the ENTIRE Pyke/Luger saga for evidence of THAT). He mostly works in Sci-Fi/Fantasy or character driven comedy/dramas.