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A weekly short story contest
Author on Reedsy Prompts since Jun, 2020
Submitted to Contest #49
Anna, a bright teenager has been brought to a waiting room outside of the Airport. Although it was her friend who called her not knowing why, she came because her friend has insisted. She was sitting on the bench playing Roblox on her phone, when someone sat beside her. "Hey. How long have you been?" she said. Anna looked at the stranger. "Uh...for like 20 minutes. Why?" The stranger looked at Anna. "Uh..I'm just asking. I am going down to the United States to see Ariana Grande. I'm just waiting for my luggage to arrive...My husband is bring...
Submitted to Contest #47
I was lying lazily in my room, and I was just daydreaming. It was a plain old boring weekend day, and I decided to just lay around. But I should do something, not just lie around, I thought to myself. I decided to go to my friends house, so I dressed up and gathered up some snacks and left. On the way, I stopped to check the mail box but suddenly, I heard a shuffle. I looked at the ground, and saw that I stepped on a letter. I kept going to the mailbox, but then I froze in my tracks. I turned around and I gravely looked at the letter. My eye...
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