Deborah Richardson

Author on Reedsy Prompts since Apr, 2021

Author bio

My name is Deborah, Nice to meet you. I moved from England to Canada with my partner in December 2016. I have 3 sons. 2 live in the United Kingdom, 1 is here with me. I have two beautiful granddaughters, I love and miss all of them dearly. I have been writing on and off since 2012. I lost interest in writing after losing my mother. 2014, who was my inspiration. It took a few years before I felt the urge to write again. I do not have anything published yet, but I am working on this. Over the years I had many distractions, from multiple automobile accidents, and recently contracting Covid-19, But while in quarantine I was able to write many short stories. My main goal is to finish my novel that I have been working on and off with and I am hoping to complete this work and more by the end of the year.