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Author on Reedsy Prompts since Oct, 2019
Β Hailey stood by the window overlooking the woods, the trees were covered with white snow casting a solemn aura around the environment. It was early January and winter had set in, the chilly wind blew over her face making her wrap her arms around her body shifting her weight to the left foot which caused the wooden floor to moan in protest. She was at the Greenhouse cabin, a winter cabin situated in the woods on the Greenhouse property.She knew he'd be back anytime soon and her heart raced wildly. Just thinking about him made the blood ...
Submitted to Contest #13
NIGHT OF HORRORCassandra rolled her luggage into the hotel's reception area, a warm smile plastered across her oblong face, eyes glinting with infectious happiness. It was the eve of Halloween and she couldn't wait to spend time with her family and little cousins. She had brought her favourite costume and looked forward to wearing it for the occasion. With face beaming uncontrollably, she approached the receptionist and got a key to a room she had reserved earlier on, glad that she was lucky to have found a hotel that wasn't filled up with g...
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