Cynthia McDonald
Author on Reedsy Prompts since Sep, 2021
Author on Reedsy Prompts since Sep, 2021
Submitted to Contest #111
Cynthia McDonald is a sarcastic, dog-loving, mom of two kids in their 30s who still thinks she’s 32 years old. She recently moved to Oregon because after living in Wisconsin for most of her life she realized she really hated it and cold and snow sucks. Now she is visiting the ocean whenever she can, savoring the mountain views, and spending as much time as possible with her 3-year-old grandson who she thinks is the greatest kid in the world. She writes full time, recently published her first full length YA Fantasy novel, and has two short stories included in an anthology coming out in December of 2021.She had an essay published in Survivor Lit in 2021. She is also writer-in-residence at Cinnabar Moth, LLC Publishing for their 2022 ezine. And she has brain cancer, but it does not have her.