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Author on Reedsy Prompts since Mar, 2024
“You wanted to see me? What a surprise.” “I can be spontaneous if so inclined. I had a feeling you of all would appreciate the gesture.” “Oh, I do, love, believe me. Do my eyes deceive me, or do you look rather peckish in this light? Not that there is much variety here. White-on-white, you know, leaves little impression.” “Very funny. Did you think that one up in a hundred millennia down at your little club or been keeping it on reserve for our next meeting?” “So you do have a sense of humor after all. I was starting to worry. Careful to hi...
Submitted to Contest #257
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of plague, it was the age of plague, it was the epoch of no sword control, it was epoch of no gun control, it was the season of theater box-office hits and flops, it was the season of movie theater box-office hits and flops, it was the summer of my love, it was the winter of our discontent, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we had made substantial progress, we had made no progress—in short, it was modern times and Elizabethan England and we were all goin...
Submitted to Contest #255
His boy had arrived at his apartment in Bishopsgate, all the way from Oxford. He was already taller than him, lanky, with honey hair and doe eyes. His face was slightly oval, with warm, open expression. His likeness, clearly—and yet when he looked at him, all he could think about was Anne. “We’re on the Sallust, such a bore,” he griped, tired but cheerful, casting off his traveling cloak and gloves. “I lodge at Middle Temple with my friend Hal, I think I told you of him. I thought to surprise you.” He hesitated. “You are not angry?” “Nay, n...
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