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Author on Reedsy Prompts since Nov, 2023
Submitted to Contest #227
Ice floes surrounded me as the water temperature dipped to 50 degrees Fahrenheit. My toes curled, and the rest of my body shriveled inward, seeking the warmth of my heart which beat faster and faster. I was acutely aware of every breath as I struggled to breathe at a normal pace. The water was translucent, and yet, at the same time, seemed to be nearly a perfect blue. I shut my eyes, trying to relax and keep the cold at bay as I’d been taught. It was weird, the air around me even felt colder than normal too, so I opened my eyes and breathed ...
Submitted to Contest #226
His name is Rudy, at least that’s what he told us when we met him eight months ago. We’re respectable people, or we were when Rudy stormed into our lives, destitute and hungry, but holy, oh so holy. He’d been without a home church for a spell, preaching on the road, converting the wayward, doing as Jesus would have done, he said. Few other preachers were willing to put in the hard work like that; it is 1991 after all. Lucky for him, and lucky for us, our pastor had just walked out on his wife with a perky brunette who’d just graduated from h...
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