Christina Wooten

Author on Reedsy Prompts since Apr, 2021

Author bio

I'm from South Carolina. I love the beach, chocolate, puppies and writing. I have always been amazed at the imagination God has given all human beings--that we can all enter another world if we choose to do so. Reading helps me escape the pressures of life. I find solace in a good book. My favorites include "Gone With the Wind," "Jane Eyre," "Tuck Everlasting," and the short story "The Most Dangerous Game." Writing is powerful, and a good writer can change the world. I love to read the works of others; I believe that we all have stories inside us that we can unleash if given the proper outlet. So my encouragement to anyone reading this would be to let your imagination take wings and soar. No one is perfect, so don't expect perfection in your writing. Just put pen to paper and allow your thoughts to flow out of you. You have a unique mind, and your ideas are worth sharing.