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Author on Reedsy Prompts since Nov, 2020
Submitted to Contest #76
All of this running is bad for her diet. It should be her feet running, not her thoughts, speeding through her head that she can only slow with caramels when she opens her mouth to say things that she shouldn't. Sure, she could be stuffing her face with other things, like yet another salad, or even an apple, but her pockets are practically non-existent, and it's not like she is going to start carrying around a purse full of Tupperware, just so she can crack open a dish of boiled potatoes and avoid the question. The clerk at the store frowns ...
"Where did all the donuts go?" 'What donuts?' "Is that- are you all wearing donuts as halos?" 'Maybe.' "I brought those donuts to eat, Lucifer." 'There's no sign that says for eating only.' "There shouldn't have to be. They're donuts." 'You multiplied fish. Just multiply the donuts.' "I- fine. I will get more donuts." 'Thanks bro.' "Don't call me bro." 'Yes ma'am.' "Did you just take all the donuts to make more halos?" 'No.' "It's rude to talk with your mouth full." 'It's rude to accuse people of making donut halos.' "I can see your demons w...
He's gotten to this point in his life, slumped over on a park bench, wishing he could stop sticking his feet in his mouth as if they were candy. Tact is an art he wishes he could perfect, instead of sending girlfriends, well, ex-girlfriends, into a tizzy. It's not his fault when they ask if their dress makes them look fat. It made her look like someone had gotten a bit too excited filling the sausage casing at the factory. He hadn't meant to admit that out loud. He never did. It had plagued him all of his life, since he could form coherent t...
Submitted to Contest #75
Maybe Einstein was onto something. It was insane to try the same thing over and over expecting better results. Yet there she was, year in and out, resolving to become genuinely happier. To be able to look in the mirror and not completely hate herself. To say, hey, that girl is someone worth knowing. For years it was in vain. Her parents held her soul in a box, taped closed with a shipping label to Depression. There it'd sit until January, taking a plane ticket funded off ignorant optimism, back to some sort of neutral land of existence...
Submitted to Contest #74
There had been worse birthdays. 1. When she turned six, her mother had taken her to the circus. It was her first time going, and she had been in awe of the acrobats, flipping through the air. After the show she was going to meet them. The entire thing had been arranged by her mother, who was running her hands along the strong man as she waited in the center ring. A blur of red was seen in her peripheral. She looked to the other side. More red. Then a big bundle of red barreling towards her, sweeping her off her feet. Contrary to her adoratio...
Submitted to Contest #73
Christmas was perhaps the loneliest of holidays for Noelle. Halloween has kids knocking at her door, and Independence Day has the drunken building party (not that she partook as she sipped her seltzer from the balcony), but once Christmas hits, the snow falls and reminds her how cold her heart feels. About as nippy as the wind outside if she had to guess. She took one last look out the opened window. It had been open to air out a cranky fire alarm at a burnt dinner. She'd gotten distracted watching one of those cheesy Christmas movies ...
Submitted to Contest #72
This wasn't a part of her five point plan. She had known him since junior high. Let him take her to all the dances, let him carry her books, let him be the first to see her in her underwear. She'd gone so far as to go to the lingerie store in the mall, lying to her mother that she was going to buy a Christmas present and that she'd meet her at the food court. Which technically wasn't a lie, as it was his Christmas present. To look, not touch. Had to keep room for the Holy Spirit. Pablo wasn't much for the Holy Spirit. Or God, really, b...
Submitted to Contest #71
"Now you promise you'll be there? You're not just saying one thing to placate your mother and are going to break her heart later, are you?" Marylou twirled the phone cord around her finger. "I already cleared it with my boss. He will let me take Tuesday off, but I have to cover for Marsha on Friday instead." In the grand scheme of things, Hilda was actually doing her friend a favor. She was making plans for a long weekend with her husband before Hilda could even hang up the phone. It'd be an overnight trip into the city to see the Time...
Shortlisted for Contest #70 ⭐️
Trigger warning: disordered eating She snaps her gum between her teeth, chomping down as if it'll curb her appetite. Her tongue pokes into the wad, stretching it thin. He remembers when her tongue used to poke other things. She's lucky if she can remember anything past that number. The one that burns into her retinas as she steps on the scale for the third time that day, because she ate an apple for lunch, and she needs to know. The scale hasn't budged. She kicks it, and hobbles at the pain as she leaves the bathroom. He hoists himsel...
Submitted to Contest #69
When he had rung the doorbell, he hadn't expected to be greeted by a big white poof of a man, decked out in a red suit and hat. In fact, noticing the expanse of decoration around him, he froze. "Well come in Champ, you'll freeze out there. Though it looks like you already did." The man winked. "Ulysses, you made it! Your sister is in the kitchen." Ah yes, Abby. Maybe she'd have an explanation for why their mother had finally broken and hired a Santa impersonator. Dad had gotten one when they were kids for them and all of their cousins,...
Submitted to Contest #68
He's in love with a girl. The popcorn is too salty, but maybe that's him, too sweaty as his pores leak the anxiety he tries so desperately to conceal. It's just a movie date. Not-date, because they are not dating. He wishes it was a real date. They're best friends, sharing a bucket of popcorn and a romantic comedy that laughs in his face, because the guy is going to get the girl, because the guy always gets the girl in these things. Their hands meet in the bucket. He wants to grab hers, but it is soaked in butter and sweat, and she'll ...
Submitted to Contest #66
A life long dream when you're a kid is nothing. It had been your life long dream when you were six to conquer the ice cream mountain at the shoppe down the block. You'd ended up with a tummy ache, caramel smeared lips crying out to your daddy as he hoisted you into his arms and carried you home. When you were a teen, you had claimed it was your life long dream to become a performer. Your parents entertained the notion and sent you off to summer camp, and you stood on that final stage, fingers clamped onto that microphone like it was th...
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