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Author on Reedsy Prompts since May, 2020
Submitted to Contest #93
“You just can’t keep doing this, Ethan,” she huffed on a strained laugh that sounded about halfway between incredulity and desperation. “You can’t keep throwing yourself these stupid parties every year, especially to celebrate a day which, even you have to admit, most people would never want to acknowledge, least of all celebrate. And,” Moe finished her little tirade by waving her finger in the air in a way that definitely screamed “person-in-charge,” “you especially can’t keep throwing these parties if this is to be the aftermath after ever...
Submitted to Contest #49
The shots rang out loudly that night; coming on quickly, one after the other, the sounds of the simultaneous explosions tangled together into a web of destruction and misery. The desire to act was strong, yet they could nothing but wait. We must wait until the right time, their commander had told them with a good amount of bite, or risk suffering the consequences. Earlier that evening, he had looked them over slowly, painstakingly scanning the faces of each one of the men and women who had fought for the chance to bear witness to the events ...
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