Bryan William Myers

Author on Reedsy Prompts since May, 2020

5 Stories

58 karma pts


Author bio

Bryan stayed away from the U.S. for three years. In 2019, he traveled to 12 countries. He's had stuff published in places like Whirlwind Magazine, Entropy, Beatdom, the Daily Drunk, WriteNow Lit, Mineral Lit Mag, STORGY Magazine, Eremite Poetry, Versification, Wine Cellar Press, and Poetry Potion. He spent most of the pandemic in Vietnam, writing poems, stories, plays, his first full-length screenplay, and a pilot he optioned to an app startup. He's self-published 15 books. His first chapbook of poems, Empty Beer Cans: Quarantine Poems from Da Nang, Vietnam, was released in May 2022 by Alien Buddha Press. ( (Twitter: @bryanwillmyers) Amazon: