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Author on Reedsy Prompts since Oct, 2024
I love being alone. It was often hard for me to picture a future with a husband, or with kids I pushed out of my body. The concept of no longer being my own or having the freedom of no commitments was a terrifying one. As I rush through my twenties, I wonder if I’m even meant to have a future. I just don’t interact with many people so desperate for isolation like I am, and I wonder if others aren’t interested in their future like I am not interested in my own. I contemplate the meaning of my life and my place in this...
Submitted to Contest #271
I stared at the smoke curling around the lights that lined the ceiling. The familiar smell of cigars comforting the ache in my chest. I turn on the leaning barstool, glancing over the people that fill the old bars room. I often come to the dirty spot that sits beside the towns burger and fry walk up. The owner didn’t care if you dropped grease, ash, or blood on the bar top. He kept it rough and straight forward, just like his father did. It was a family only operation. The bar offered a prime spot to overhear the local gossip and w...
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