Bob Faszczewski
Author on Reedsy Prompts since May, 2021
Author on Reedsy Prompts since May, 2021
Submitted to Contest #285
Submitted to Contest #284
Submitted to Contest #283
Submitted to Contest #282
Submitted to Contest #281
Submitted to Contest #280
Submitted to Contest #279
Submitted to Contest #278
Submitted to Contest #277
Submitted to Contest #274
Submitted to Contest #273
Submitted to Contest #272
Submitted to Contest #269
Submitted to Contest #268
Submitted to Contest #267
Bob Faszczewski is a curious writer who loves exploring different themes and motifs. He has produced two recently-published collections of fiction-science fiction stories about travel across the timeline, "Taming the Timeline" (available for sale on and "Locking Arms with Giants (available for sale through Amazon Kindle and Both also are available for sale at Greyhound Bookstore in Berlin, Md. Bob has published the following short stories in magazines in a number of genres: ."Bloodstains on the Ledger"--Ink and the . "Tragedy Near the Corpse Light--or Because of It"--Mystery . "Cadaver in the Forest"--Adelaide Literary Magazine . "Heard It Through the Grapevine"--Flash . "Resetting the Clock"--Academy of the Heart and Mind . "The Turkonians Are Coming"