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Author on Reedsy Prompts since Aug, 2020
Submitted to Contest #103
9 September 2018, 9:21 p.m.“Well, it wasn’t a bad life—” Lee thought as he lumbered to the floor in slow motion. His legs trembled and doubled at the knees, his back arched, and his arms flew into the air as his athletic figure hit the cold concrete with a heavy thud. The photograph he had been looking at just moments ago slipped through his fingers and landed next to his still body like a dead autumn leaf. Handwritten in beautiful calligraphy on its back were the words: YOU, 25 September 2014.💫9 September 2018, 10:22 p.m.His head pulsated w...
Submitted to Contest #85
That’s the thing about this city… It bites! It mercilessly sticks its teeth in your skin and sends thousands of little ice pins to cast their freezing spell all over your body. No amount of body armor can stop your breath from hanging like a dying cobweb in the air around you. Small teary puddles gather at the corners of your eyes as they try to get accustomed to the cold. Now you comprehend the genius work that Mother Nature had put into the creation of the human body. If you’ve ever wondered why your tears are salty – it’s so that they don...
Submitted to Contest #81
Billy:Hi…Hello there!Hey, Lilly!seenIt’s me…BillyseenHow are you?seenOK, no need to be rude…Yeah, I know it’s been a long time…Yep, I’m an asshole…I’m sorry I haven’t been in touch. You have every right not to talk to me if you don’t want to. I just hope you’re doing well.I’m back in town…Lilly:You’re what?So, you remember me only if things go bad…I haven’t heard from you in years. You didn’t even text me for my birthday…Hi, Billy!Believe it or not, community college professors can also be busy.Sorry for taking a bit longer to reply.Although...
Submitted to Contest #73
(Warning: some strong language.)It was the third day before Christmas and my true love send to me… a grumpy guy making a delivery.Actually, my true love didn’t send me anything. I just thought it made for a nice rhyme. Who am I kidding? It was a shitty rhyme! Also, I don’t have a girlfriend. I don’t have anyone. To be fair, that’s what happens when you’re a contract killer. Not a lot of people lining outside your door to apply for the best friend position.And, well, the delivery part was actually true. The guy made such a sour face while dro...
Submitted to Contest #67
Your head is spinning and your vision is blurred. Red and silver dots flicker before your eyes, and you feel as if a steamroller has been through your brain. You put your index fingers on your temples and start massaging. The veins along your forehead are throbbing fiercely, threatening to explode any second now. You concentrate harder.You realize you are crouched on the floor. Trying hard not to lose your balance, you extend your right arm forward and grab onto the first thing it touches. It is smooth and hard, and gives you a sense of stab...
Submitted to Contest #65
“We have to stay the whole night,” Mr. X said with the determination of a contestant on Survivor.“The whole night!” Mr. Y protested. “Not the whole night! I haven’t agreed to this!”“Well, we’re already here, so you might as well try it.” Mr. X shrugged.“It’s so-o-o boring!” Mr. Y continued to behave like a little child tugging at his parent’s sleeve five minutes after they’ve arrived at an adult gathering.“C’mon! It might be fun. You never know.” Mr. X dialed up the optimism.“You’re crazy, man,” Mr. Y shook his head. “What are we supposed to...
Submitted to Contest #62
“Are you ready?” Kate beckoned her daughter to come near. She was sitting cross legged on the turquoise rug in the center of the living room. The floor was covered in books and various household items, and in the middle of it was a fairly big stainless steel box which was currently empty, it’s lid wide open like the mouth of the Cookie Monster expecting to fill its stomach with treats. “Yes, coming—” five-year-old Ashley replied, trailing after her a big colorful fabric bag.“Let’s see. What do you have there, love?” Her mother inquired curio...
Submitted to Contest #59
WARNING: I know there are some younger people on this site, so for their sake I'd say this one is 15+ Wake up at 6.30, walk the dog, shower, prepare the kids’ breakfast, start packing lunches, have a coffee and a quick breakfast if you’re lucky, get the kids to school, get yourself to work, power through a day filled with office work, meetings, calls, e-mails, dissatisfied bosses, and clueless customers, punch out, pick up the kids from school, dog again, help with homework (the kids, not the dog), prepare dinner while the little ones play...
Submitted to Contest #58
“Get ready! One, two, three–” I jumped and the dark elevator shook a little.“STOP IT! Bea, don’t!” Pol’s voice bounced off the steel walls of the elevator car. “Are you trying to get us killed?”“I was just trying out this thing to see if it’d restart. Maybe it just got stuck or something.” I replied with the confidence of someone who has fixed many glitches by simply rebooting a computer or hitting really hard and persistently the sides of a TV.“Please, stop messing up,” he pleaded, his tone of voice subsided. “Don’t you see the lights are o...
Submitted to Contest #56
(Title suggestions are welcome) “Go on, Elliot, you can do it,” his father nudged him gently on the back. The boy turned around and gave him the stern look of a ninety-year-old pensioner who refuses to take his pills. Then he sought his mother’s face, changing his expression to that of a hurt puppy. She, however, was not budging either. His last hope stood next to her husband, her hand resting on the man’s shoulder, her head nodding in silent agreement. Not a chance, love, her eyes were saying as she gave him an encouraging smile. El...
Submitted to Contest #55
The room was quiet. I could hear a dog barking in the distance, the neighborhood kids playing on the street, the leaves of the big beech tree in my front yard rustling against the glass windows, animated by the playful breeze that had decided to grace us with its presence on this hot October day. All familiar sounds that used to bring me so much joy just until a month ago. It was my house, my living-room, the life that I – that we – had built in the past twenty years, yet I wished I could run as far away from it as possible. I was ashamed. I...
Submitted to Contest #53
I can't remember anything. I don't have a clue where I am or how I got here. All I can see around me is desert, an empty wasteland. My surroundings are flat, sandy, covered in dry tiny bushes which remind me of the typical prop from a western movie – the dusty tumbleweed, rolling around as if carried by the wind. These bushes, however, are firmly rooted into the ground and there is not even the tiniest hint of a whiff. There is no one here. There is nothing! It seems as if time has stopped, and I have been here for an eternity. I've just ...
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