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Author on Reedsy Prompts since Apr, 2020
The Beginning:Something very terrible is happening to my Mother. She’s not screaming, but right on the verge. She’s not moaning, but definitely groaning. After every tortured sound she makes, there is a loud splatter that follows.  I don’t remember waking nor do I recall ever moving from my bed. I was frozen in my sheets, my hands clammy with sweat, fear only allowing me to listen.You see, I was too young to understand.I knew what was happening, but I didn’t understand.Later, she came into my room and crossed her legs on the f...
Submitted to Contest #38
There has been a stay at home order for 7 months now. Technically, it’s more than just a stay at home order. It’s a “if you walk outside your door you will be shot to death” order. The government is just trying to say it nicely. A new plague is going around. It’s worse than any other virus in history. Way worse. It started at the beginning of December when the weather was cold and windy, but people still went out. It’s now July and the air is burning hot except in the evenings, with no one around except bodies. We call it Deathstroke. It a ...
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