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Author on Reedsy Prompts since Jun, 2020
Submitted to Contest #107
You would think that after so many deceptions, that I would cease to be surprised by them. But I still am. Every time. It is unsettling how these things come to the surface and pockmark the face of my life and it always happens in those few moments when I feel normal and whole, then the harshness of the unknown rises to the surface and leaves a scar. It marred the face of yesterday which was my son’s 9th birthday, another pearl on the string of his life. The family was there, aunts and uncles, cousins and grandparents, people who love us and...
Submitted to Contest #50
I am not sure how long I have been up here lying on my back and looking up at the clouds as they pass through the blue of morning, the leaves overhead dappled with shade from the leaves above them. I came up here looking for something that my son lost. He was looking for it and blaming his brother for losing it and I thought I might find it here in their treehouse. I don’t usually come up here. I am uncomfortable with heights and climbing up the ladder stresses my knees. Plus this place isn’t meant for me. It was designed for little boys, no...
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