Amanda Terrell
Author on Reedsy Prompts since Oct, 2022
Author on Reedsy Prompts since Oct, 2022
Submitted to Contest #186
Submitted to Contest #167
I have always loved reading. More specifically fiction novels. When I was a child, yeah, I loved picture books and storytelling, but it wasn't until I was a freshman in high school that I realized my true love of books. The escapism, the fantasy, the language. I loved all of it. I was one of the few teenagers who really valued a good story, so my teacher took me to the library and handed me Stephen King's, In the Eyes of the Dragon. That was it for me. Writing didn't come into play until recently. I have always enjoyed it but lately it has become a passion. I dream of becoming a writer one day. I aspire to be like King, Austen, Maas, Fitzgerald, Rowling, Tolkien. To create worlds and characters. To use words and language to paint a picture, that would be amazing. So here I am, a 40-year young woman wishing for her dream to become a reality. I am eager to learn and ready for a life changes.