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Author on Reedsy Prompts since Jul, 2020
Submitted to Contest #51
Dear Diary, I went to my therapist today. She said I should keep a journal. For my 'problems'. I told her I already had one. She was surprised. She didn't know I could show organization skills. I am actually very organized. Others used to call me maticulate even. Her 'task' for me. Is to right down 200 things/thoughts about me. -Owner. Dear Diary, Here are 5 facts about me: . Light is bright, pure, and is everything I'm not. I don't mind it. but I don't like it either. I prefer the dark. I'm a hoarder. I like keepin...
Submitted to Contest #50
"It's so loud down there. I wish I could tell them to be quiet." I ran my finger across the carpet. I started thinking about when I was little. How I'd hide out here for hours while everyone played outside. I wanted to play with them but I was scared. I was scared of them. One day I gained enough courage to ask a group: if I could play with them. They said no. They thought I was disgusting because I stayed up here all day. Then they started spreading rumors about me. Saying that I didn't know how to speak and that I was in love wit...
A hopeless romantic with a vivd imagination full of magic.
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