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Author on Reedsy Prompts since Oct, 2024
I’m sure you’ve all heard the story of my sister. Gorgeous, talented, kind, smart Briar Rose. Or in some versions Sleeping Beauty. But what if it didn’t happen that way? What if that last gift that saved my sister’s life had already been given when Maleficent showed up? Well, the story you’ve been told is false. It really didn’t happen that way. 🌹🌹🌹 Let me give you some backstory here. Once upon a time, my older sister was born. My mum and dad threw this massive party for her, but they didn’t invite one fairy. They invited all the others, ...
Once upon a time, there was a princess. She was beautiful, smart, charming and kind, and wherever she went, she made friends. Until she crossed the border into a small kingdom bordering hers. The people there were horrible to one another and everybody else. The little princess, for at this time she was quite little, was shocked that people could be so mean. So she fled back to her mother’s and father’s embraces, safe and sound. Or so she thought. You see, the little princess never forgot that little encounter with the other kingdom, and neit...
I'm an aspiring writer who wants to share truth and fairytales with the world.
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