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Author on Reedsy Prompts since Dec, 2024
“I am sorry,” Lizzy told Kayla at first. “I do not mean to do it but it has to happen.” “I have to stop being friends with her.” For whatever reason Lizzy was being melodramatic about their friendship with Steph, an old friend of theirs from school. She did not know this but Steph was on her way towards them as they spoke about it. The fact that Steph was becoming different had become the topic of conversation for the three young women. They were old enough to have already graduated from their university. Lizzy was at the m...
Submitted to Contest #280
Oliver had a cupid tattooed on his arm. The overall design was not too embellished but it was enough to steal the hearts of those with cherubic sensibilities. He would grow to hide it under a long sleeve to cover the embarrassing marking he chose to get when he was eighteen. Now that he was in his mid-twenties, there were times when he would show it off like the time he went to a pub with a couple of his old friends. He thought the tattoo deserved to be out for its ethereal quality whenever he got the chance to display it. He had the idea th...
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