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Author on Reedsy Prompts since Jun, 2021
Submitted to Contest #104
Mom I am in the kitchen garden with my mother. The light has faded and the dusk is advancing. I tuck my trousers into my boots and crouch slightly and meticulously look at the fully-fledged radish about which I always grumbled. I never loved the astringent taste of radish and, even when my mother loves it with butter, I never preferred it in any manner. But today, I am glancing at it like never before because it is something you will rarely find in the north. I stopped short. Something soft and squishy had hit my back. I looke...
Submitted to Contest #98
Writer: Aashutosh Dhungana Hope "Dear letter, Currently, neither do I have any proper clothes to wear nor any apt shelter to live in. The only thing I have is a glimpse of hope. The hope of returning home with a gleaming smile on my face, the hope of eating the rice pudding that my mom makes, the hope of fighting with my brother over unnecessary trifles, and the hope of getting beaten up by my father. With t...
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