Aaron Thompson

Author on Reedsy Prompts since Nov, 2021

Author bio

Hello all, my name is Aaron. I'm 24, a proud father of two amazing girls and happily engaged to my perfect woman. I'm attracted to dark stories, with truth hidden beneath the make-believe. I'm attracted to the forbidden, and the horrors lurking among the shadows of everyday life. I'm attracted to drama, and fiction geared toward one's imperfections and addictions. I'm an aspiring author, who's just getting his chain greased and starting his transmission for the first time. For me, writing is cathartic, and I hope you find some of that same medicine in my own stories. I'm from Northern Ireland, so the geography may seem obscure, but the stories should translate all the same. Happy reading and writing, folks. For my fiancée, who encourages me every day, and never lets me lose hope: "You're as smooth as Tennessee whiskey, You're as sweet as strawberry wine, You're as warm as a glass of brandy, And I stay stoned on your love all the time." - George Jones