Aaron Mooney
Author on Reedsy Prompts since Mar, 2023
Author on Reedsy Prompts since Mar, 2023
Submitted to Contest #234
Submitted to Contest #232
Submitted to Contest #221
Submitted to Contest #221
Submitted to Contest #192
Hi, I am Aaron, and for the majority of my life I have been a creative writer, starting out when I was a freshman in high school with the full intention of writing the next Star Wars novel. Well, you can't say I wasn't ambitious. I was about to major in archaeology when I needed to have emergency open heart surgery. After that experience I knew that writing is what I needed to do because it is who I am. I have written stories for my college magazine (too many years ago) and have submitted short stories, but have not been published. I am currently working on a novel, along with a couple of short stories. I love conversing about story ideas, and have not been overly exposed to fellow authors, writers, and artists until I helped form a writing group in my hometown in Illinois.