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Showing 172 booktubers that match your search.
Active since 2011 - Hosted by Heather
My name is Heather & some of my favorite things are: Reading (obviously), Gilmore Girls, Photography, Harry Potter, The seasons Spring & Fall. On this channel you will find mostly book videos. I read a wide array of books but I really love the Young Adult genre. I review books on this channel, recommend books, show you books I've bought, unbox some cool stuff & talk about movies and t.v as well!
Active since 2006 - Hosted by Rosianna
I'm a 28-year-old Londoner who makes videos about books, travel, food, grief, feminism, mental health and more. In 2017 I was named a YouTube Creators for Change Fellow and used my grant to see the work UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency is doing in Colombia.
Active since 2011 - Hosted by Tiernan
Hi! I make short films, discuss things, interview some pretty sweet authors, and sometimes I break out my guitar.
Active since 2012 - Hosted by Katie
Booktuber and grad student mildly obsessed with psychology and horror.
Active since 2013 - Hosted by Mercedes
I'm just someone who enjoys reading. I don't have a degree in English Literature and I'll never write a novel. But I do have opinions - if you fancy hearing them then subscribe.
Active since 2011 - Hosted by Piéra
Hey! I'm Piéra, I'm an actress/filmmaker and avid reader from Australia! I spend most of my time reading fantasy books, turning those books into short films, drinking tea and caring for my small menagerie of animals!
Active since 2010 - Hosted by Maureen
My last name isn't Keavy. I read a lot of books & like to talk about them!
Active since 2013 - Hosted by Jacqueline
My name is Jacqueline & I'm just a 22 year old who kinda likes books.
Active since 2012 - Hosted by Rincey
I put up book-related videos every Friday, and sometimes videos on other days. :)
Active since 2014 - Hosted by Lauren
My name is Lauren and I live in London. I make videos about the books I'm reading, things I'm doing and thoughts I'm thinking!
Active since 2013 - Hosted by Kristin
booktuber. bibliophile. tea addict. disney princess. christmas enthusiast. new yorker. House: Ravenclaw Patronus: Fox Tea: Chai
Active since 2014 - Hosted by Trina
Hey guys! I'm Trina and I live in books. Come hang out and let's talk about our favorite reads! My favorite videos to make are my wrap ups and series reviews. I read a lot of YA because it keeps me young at heart. I LOVE audiobooks! Most of my books are from the library. I read what I want, like what I like, don't like what I don't like, and make no apologies for that. All reviews are honest.
Active since 2014 - Hosted by Samantha
Just a nerdy 30-something that feels passionately about fictional characters!
Active since 2015 - Hosted by Joce
Hi, I'm Joce! I have a lot of opinions about books. I read mostly adult literary and genre fiction, and some YA.
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