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Best Booktubers in 2025

Showing 172 booktubers that match your search.

Books for MKs

Active since 2013 - Hosted by Kailey

Book for MKs is a charity organization that donates books to Missionary Kids on the mission field overseas, where they do not have access to an English library. This channel is to encourage children and teens to READ MORE! and to discuss and share what they read.

3,870 Subscribers

Books With Wings

Active since 2013 - Hosted by Melina

26 year old from Argentina. I'm a proud intersectional feminist. I talk about diversity and queer books, make discussions and give recommendations. Supporter of #OwnVoices & #WeNeedDiverseBooks.

1,120 Subscribers

Brunette Bibliophile

Active since 2012 - Hosted by Chloe

Hi guys! This is my main channel where I talk about books, books and more books. I love making book related videos and I love watching this channel grow. If you like this kind of content, subscribe for more! I post videos every Wednesday and Saturday.

1,560 Subscribers


Active since 2015 - Hosted by Kathleen

Hi guys! I'm Kathleen. I love to read books and am excited to share with you guys my love of books! Besides reading, I love to travel (and do quite often) so occasionally I will do travel VLOGs as well and I also have 2 guinea pigs that are my life. I hope you like my channel and subscribe!

4,450 Subscribers

Poland Bananas Books

Active since 2010 - Hosted by Christine

My name's Christine Riccio! I love comedy and reading fantastic books. I make what I like to think are funny videos every Tuesday and other days of the week too...I usually upload more than once a week - about books and book related pop culture stuff!

408,000 Subscribers

Jesse The Reader

Active since 2012 - Hosted by Jesse

I'm a BOOK WARRIOR. Here to have fun & share my love for books.

374,000 Subscribers

Peruse Project

Active since 2013 - Hosted by Regan

I am Regan and I like to talk about books.

281,000 Subscribers

Little Book Owl

Active since 2011 - Hosted by Catriona

Hello! I am Catriona, or Caz. I love reading and sharing my passion for books within the wonderful BookTube community. I enjoy long walks through bookstore and cuddling up in bed with a block of chocolate. I post every Friday with videos from book reviews to hauls, tags to bookshelf tours and more.

183,000 Subscribers

Books and Quills

Active since 2008 - Hosted by Sanne

Hoi! I'm Sanne. Six years ago I moved from the Netherlands to London, where I'm currently working as a freelancer. I've been making videos for 10 years and on my channel I talk about books (quite a lot), language, the publishing industry, London, travel and life advice.

181,000 Subscribers

Kristina Horner

Active since 2007 - Hosted by Kristina

Subscribe for vlogs about books and writing, cosplay and my many adventures.

149,000 Subscribers

Read by Zoe

Active since 2013 - Hosted by Zoë

My name is Zoë Herdt, and I am a twenty-something who doesn't get nearly enough sleep. I also have a slight book obsession that I'd like to share it with the world. I make reading vlogs, book reviews and discussions (which have both a spoiler-free and non-spoiler section), fun book tags, book-themed sketches, and other book related content! I hope you enjoy, and welcome to my book nerd family.

220,000 Subscribers

Epic Reads

Active since 2010 - Hosted by Epic

Epic Reads is your video destination for all things YA and teen books. We post new Book Nerd Problem episodes every Monday, Now Quoting to brighten your Fridays, Book Hauls once a month and more! You'll also find original digital episodes, interviews with YA authors, exclusive event access, and more cool stuff. Subscribe to our channel for tons of bookish fun! Epic Reads is brought to you by HarperCollins Publishers.

158,000 Subscribers


Active since 2012 - Hosted by Natasha

Natasha or Tashapolis (like Metropolis), Christian, BookTuber, loves to read, stalk the internet, and fangirl over my favorite movie and TV shows! Plus I'm obsessed with beauty.

122,000 Subscribers


Active since 2014 - Hosted by Emma

Hey Whatsup Hello! My name is Emma. I'm 23 years old, residing in the Big Apple but vicariously living my life through fiction. On my channel, you will find all things bookish, whether that means book reviews, book hauls, helpful tips for BookTubers & readers alike, literary discussions, author interviews, and more!

189,000 Subscribers

A Clockwork Reader

Active since 2015 - Hosted by Hannah

My name is Hannah. I'm here because I like to read and you're probably here for the same reason. I think we'll get along just fine.

273,000 Subscribers

Discovery | Pro Book Review | 2021-03

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