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Showing 172 booktubers that match your search.
Active since 2013 - Hosted by Lisa
The inner workings of my book obsessed brain! Mostly YA and Dystopian books, but I do dip my feet into other genres! I always welcome the opinions of my little marshmallows! x
Active since 2006 - Hosted by Danika
I talk mostly about books, and most of the books I talk about are queer. I also do that on Book Riot, The Lesbrary, Tumblr, and Twitter.
Active since 2013 - Hosted by Harriet
Hi! I make videos about books I've read, bought, want to read, and any other books I just fancy chatting about!
Active since 2012 - Hosted by Jenna
Hey my name is Jenna! I'm 24, and i make a lot of art. When i'm not avoiding responsibilities by scrolling through twitter, you can find me reading fantasy books, obsessively listening to taylor swift, writing poetry, or daydreaming about seeing broadway musicals.
Active since 2013 - Hosted by Katie
Helloooooooooooo!! I'm Katie & books are my best friends. I hope you enjoy your stay!
Active since 2014 - Hosted by Brock
A man with too many interests. Science Fiction and Fantasy Enthusiast. Come back often for reviews and commentary from the realms of speculative fiction.
Active since 2014 - Hosted by Nikki
Hi, I'm Nikki and I love books! Beautiful books, old books, new books, blue books. And this is where I talk about them and show off my shelves :) Watch for book hauls, wrap-ups, recommendations, and TBRs.
Active since 2013 - Hosted by Sian
Welcome to my cosy little channel! I'm Sian, I post videos of myself talking about all of the things that i love, mostly books!
Active since 2012 - Hosted by Jack
Hello, I’m Jack, and welcome to my YouTube channel, where I discuss the books I’ve been reading and the places I’ve been visiting. Over the years I’ve become a much more diverse reader and now enjoy reading a wide range of different genres, including young adult, fantasy, historical fiction, literary fiction and classics. Between October 2015 and June 2019, I studied Modern Languages and Cultures at Durham University, specialising in French and Spanish. This introduced me to books in the original languages and also gave me a greater appreciation of the art of translation.
Active since 2014 - Hosted by Luce
Luce, 26, Australia. She/her. Local queer, Poe Dameron trash, Hanzo main, aficionado of Hugo Weaving films.
Active since 2012 - Hosted by Claire
A crafty fox with a love of books! I pretty much just talk about and review books... This channel is also a safe space for fellow Hufflepuffs.
Active since 2014 - Hosted by Kevin
Hey there! Welcome to my YouTube channel. This is where I discuss and talk about my love for books. I also make Vlogs and I do fun Challenges with friends and family. So join me on my adventures by hitting the 'Subscribe' button!
Active since 2006 - Hosted by Sylwia
Sylwia (pronounced Sylvia) is a mental health professional by day and a BookTuber by night. Since starting her channel Wish Fulfillment, Sylwia has been dragging every book she reads through the same interrogation in order to highlight both problematic and progressive content.
Active since 2011 - Hosted by Manpreet
I make book-related videos on this channel. I like a variety of genres and share a lot of book reviews. I also make book related hindi videos.
Active since 2012 - Hosted by Jade Lee
British book reviewer with a passion for psychological thrillers - living all over the world.
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