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Best Booktubers in 2025

Showing 172 booktubers that match your search.

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Insert Literary Pun Here

Active since 2016 - Hosted by Jennifer

I'm Jennifer, and I have a lot of opinions about a lot of books. Disagreement is fun.

11,000 Subscribers

Captured in Words

Active since 2015 - Hosted by Jay

Let's see... well, I'm Booktuber. I make reviews, lore videos, and theories about books. I just finished college and received my diploma in Writing & Publishing. I now do freelance book design. I have experience with typography, working with a printing press, and graphic design.

25,100 Subscribers


Active since 2013 - Hosted by Brista

Hello, my name is Brista Drake and I'm a Writing Mime, or someone who writes to express themselves, and this is my YouTube channel! We talk a lot about editing/writing books here, but my favorite thing to vlog about is my participation in National Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWriMo for short. NaNoWriMo helped me publish my first book, and I have accomplished so many life dreams because of it. I also take my viewers step by step through my publishing process, so that they can do it too!

4,880 Subscribers

Bella Rose Pope

Active since 2012 - Hosted by Bella

Future published fantasy author. Drinker of wine. I get paid for my words, so that’s cool. My writing tips are on Youtube!

2,078 Subscribers


Active since 2015 - Hosted by Kylie

Hi, my name is Kylie and I am a fellow book-lover trying to share her passion for books on the Internet.

2,210 Subscribers


Active since 2012 - Hosted by Stephen

My name is Stephen Alff and I'm a BOOKTUBER! I'm half Irish and half Luxembourgish. I live in Ireland where I go to University in UCD! As a booktube channel, I post book-related videos! These could be the traditional WRAP-UPS and DISCUSSIONS but also SKETCHES and BOOK-THEMED SONG COVERS!

1,470 Subscribers

Kelsey B. Toney

Active since 2007 - Hosted by Kelsey

I'm Kelsey and I am a pretty creative gal. I'm the author of the award-winning YA novel, DAMSEL DISTRESSED. I love books, beauty, craftiness, and connection. I hope you'll check things out.

1,620 Subscribers

The Write Channel with Nicola Valentine

Active since 2009 - Hosted by Nicola/Nikki

Hi and welcome to the Write Channel. If you're looking for help and advice with your creative writing, you're in the 'write' place. (Sorry!) I originally set up this channel to compile useful video and playlists as a resource, but it's grown a bit since then. I've created some videos with top tips from Famous Writers like Stephen King, as well as lessons, tips and information about Creative Writing from me. I post new videos every Sunday, and occasionally more often as a bonus. Some of these are part of longer courses, and others stand alone.

18,000 Subscribers

Jenna Streety

Active since 2013 - Hosted by Jenna

AuthorTuber. SFF Writer. Star Lover. Tea Spiller.

2,740 Subscribers


Active since 2017 - Hosted by Meg

iWriterly is your go-to resource for all things writing, including how to write and edit your novel, query literary agents, the book publishing process, and the latest in the writing community.

43,800 Subscribers


Active since 2013 - Hosted by Sasha

Hello Everybody! My name is Sasha and I am a book-o-holic (and proud) I talk about every aspect of reading on my channel from book/movie reviews and tags to sketches and event vlogs! I also love to fangirl so if you need a friend to just freak out about a book or movie with, I got you!

364,000 Subscribers


Active since 2009 - Hosted by Kat

Hi, my name is Kat! I own a ton of books, drink a LOT of coffee, and spend more time online than off.

253,000 Subscribers

Ariel Bissett

Active since 2012 - Hosted by Ariel

Hello there, lovely human! :) Let's have some fun while talking about books.. and other stuff!

167,000 Subscribers

Jenna Moreci

Active since 2013 - Hosted by Jenna

My name is Jenna. I write books. I also make videos about writing books. I'm super interesting.

146,060 Subscribers

Go With Flick

Active since 2013 - Hosted by Felicity

Hey! I'm Felicity and welcome to my booktube channel. Musical theatre student, avid reader and booktuber

111,066 Subscribers

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