Malayka Small

Author on Reedsy Prompts since Dec, 2023

Author bio

Hey there! <3 I'm Malayka - full-time freelancer and aspiring indie author. Most of my WIPs feature themes and tropes that I like [fingers crossed you like immortality, assassins and victorian era as much as I do]. I'm currently 70K words into 'Project Romero' [ie: working title] that follows fifteen year old Romero Arden as he struggles to navigate the post-segregation era while juggling school, friendships, racial discrimination and immortality - That last bit is thanks to Sonel Qi, the immortal teenager who desperately needs his help, though she seems equally hellbent on f^cking up his life first! After Project Romero, I'll be working on Project Valdis - a trilogy following sibling assassins at each other's throats. If you've stumbled across this 'ere bio, it's because you liked one of my Reedsy stories. I hope you'll stick around for more!