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Asian American Friendship Mystery

“What’s the big deal?”

“The big deal Jomari, is that this stolen custard came in a family size of 12-“

“So you had 11 before-“

“AND it came from the PLANO Costco. Not the Walmart around the block. “

“Oh. That is serious.”

Two gangly figures huddled around the fridge as if gathering for warmth. One with a bronze complexion and a tired, kind grin. One frowned till it burned into his brow, turning the corner of his eyes like a hanya mask. 

Jomari’s face turned mischievous, “How much was it Shin?”

Shin made a grand gesture swooping his arms together, interlocking them; as if his body was frowning too. 

“It’s not about the price. Can you imagine the cashier’s face as I ask for just one custard? It’s committed as a family pack form. We aren’t in Germany for Christ sakes. I’m being asked by this gesture to pay another 24.99-“

“It was 30?! Jeez, I would be bouncing off the walls right now - “

“To pay another 24.99 so that I can have my 12th custard back. This is fiendish. “

Enter Lien Nguyen, Shin’s longtime crush since he joined the dorm. Her mocha complexion stands out against the corporate grey in the worst way since it made the shared kitchen that much dirtier. 

“Lien! We have trouble. Someone stole Shin’s last custard. “

“Yeah I really don’t care.” She assembles her lunch of cereal in a cup and a ziplock bag of hot Cheetos. “I didn’t do it, by the way” said she through her Frosted Flakes. 

“Oh no I didn’t think you did it!” Sputters Shin. “It can’t have been you, since I know the timeframe of my day and yours.”

Awkward silence insues. 

“..As I do for everyone in the dorm! Haha. I’m pretty sure I know who it is. “

“I didn’t do it either, whatever it was.” A shout came before its bearer like thunder before lightning; long legs skipping steps descending, and a bearded face smiled mockingly at the end.

“Hi Lien, Hi Jomari.”

“Yo Mort”

“Heyyy Mort! ” she chirps.

Jomari joined Mort and Lien, leaving Shin hunched over the fridge. Our detective ignored them, deep in thought and pettiness. He stood there in silence, ruining the little taste that the instant coffee had for the others in the dorm.

“You probably forgot that you ate it, pulling all nighters and all.” Said a mocking voice. 

“I keep the custard container for recycling, Morty.”


“Morty, what’s the last thing you left in the fridge?” Shin inquired without turning.

“Yeah I don’t ever put food in there.”

“What about the leftovers from Earl’s that one time Morty? It clearly had your name on it.”

“Yeah I put it in and threw it out the next day. Stop calling me Morty.”

“That’s what it said on the box you said you threw out.”

This made Lien and Jomari both turn and stare. Mort finds grace and waves it off, but not without a grimace.

“Lien you were working at the oyster bar till 12. Meanwhile, Jomari, you were out with your girlfriend from 8 to 2, somewhere around Koreatown; Mort, you work at the Fogo de Chao behind the Toys r Us as a waiter from 3 to 8. But the problem with that is you came back for lunch, and you always take your break to the maximum like you have something you need to do. Today is a Tuesday so Jess and Alex are out for their community service and have been gone since morning, and wont be back until tomorrow. The fact that I saw it last at 1 am is key to figuring out who did. But a variable would be the friends you brought over Mort. I believe they are; Leon, Huy, and Juan. There were 3 in total and you didn’t let the us know in the group chat by the way. The 3 friend stayed for only an hour, leaving you alone, which then you went up to your room and didn’t come down until 3….and… wait!” Shin whips out his phone.

‘Yes?’ The phone picks up immediately. 

“Alex, it’s Shin. Sorry to bother you while you’re working. Did you eat my custard during break?”


“Oh okay thanks Alex.” 

He rings again, and this one takes a little more time to be received. 

“H-hi? Shin? What’s up what happened?” Said a flustered voice.

“You know the custard? The 12-“

“The 12 pack?! Yes what happened?”

“Well it’s gone. We shared one together.”

“….do you want to go out and get some more?” She said hopefully.

“Yeah no. You didn’t happen to eat the last one did you? On accident or something?”


“Okay awesome thanks Jess.” Shin hangs up again.

Everyone stared in wonder: something had gone terribly wrong with him during critical periods of childhood.

Shin being oblivious, thinks for a few more beats, then leaps! Making everyone jump. 

“The culprit… is someone in this very room!” Shin proclaims! “Since Alex and Jess is ruled out completely: I can deduce that it was one of you. Lien, while you were completely ignoring my delicious custard, you very well could have been the culprit. But the fact that you had work, and the fact that I have never seen a bartender eat, drink, or use the restroom, rules you out! And Jomari! While you have been spending a lot of time with your new girlfriend and also have been in the dorm less and less, I know that you were out with her since you texted me at 2AM asking for a ride back after she left you! And to be perfectly clear, while sleep deprivation is no joke, I cannot have eaten the 12th custard because the 11 glass containers sitting in my very room. So that leaves-“

Mort sighs.

“Sherlock, what does that sign say.” Points Mort towards the fridge.

‘Fridge will be cleared every two weeks by janitorial staff for hygienic and safety reasons’

March 16, 2024 02:22

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1 comment

Graham Kinross
22:34 Mar 26, 2024

Great story. Keep it up. Welcome to reedsy.


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