Coming of Age Inspirational Sad

Coming of age is such a way to engross the mind. Think about life in general but swallow the pride. I can't help but face choices that can't divide. Living and dying, forgetting they coincide.

Enervated and in my dotage. I swam through the river because there was no bridge. I didn't want to drown because there are reasons to live. Upset those that hate but respect who forgive. 

In a desolate home with time and patience. Love comes to visit with karma as surveillance. In my bed, stretched out with my thoughts veracious. Angry, then calm, the mood doesn't adjust.

The walls drips pain of memories as it peels off. Me running as a child impetuous down the hall. Although we rented, the dream was bought. Life was good but passed faster than a cough.

Back then, I was free. The road was my runway. I flew, fell, laughed, and drove. The details are in a haze. I was married, which became more than just a phrase. Took a tab of acid that became more than just a phase.

My early teen life wasn't too bad. Accept the wrongs, although there was always a catch. In the shadows but more visible than a flag. Respect what was taught on my father's behalf. 

A bit overweight and mentally suffering. Always been depressed, even over the dumbest things. Had trust issues and ignored the world. Wasn't held down by a partner, which brought concern.

Love came and went like a breeze. Thoughts doubled in size to some degree. Hope was shipped, but pessimism was received. Money always vanished, which explains the greed. Tried it all the effort was shown to preserve. Never taken into consideration I that I couldn't push further.

On the couch now, as lazy as a sloth. Without pain, as if agony was pawned. Sunlight cracks through the window and blinds. Life is strange but extraordinary by design.

The early 20s approached without warning. Bills materialized, and my circle was shortening. Work intensifies, which behooves a priority. Didn't go out drudgery became compulsory.

Vicenarian, bills multiply and become intricate. The US dollar drops, and inflation proliferates. Barely make enough for rent as it is. Reality kicks my ego, and money suffocates it. My credit went down faster than a bear market. Lost everything I've worked for to be honest. Attempted to thrive by an idea. If you don't give up the dream can't corrupt.

Early 30s, I met someone. Finally! Grew some courage, but money was evaporating. Got my brain in a fog like Beijing. She loves from within and that's before the ring.

Her heart was pure like those who volunteer. Hair straighter than pole that glimmer when near. Always thought twice but spoke once to be clear. Loved even at your lowest which is completely sincere.

Time moved on and intentions were shown. A family was hinted but the convo was never thrown. I had a hunch whenever we were alone. Did my best whenever she went prone. God disapproved because the process was always pending. The steps were done then later suspended.

35 shit changes a bit. The shift was obvious I'm no longer a kid. Time went on as it did. Wanted a spiritual retreat it became a wish. Wasn't married yet although there were five years of commitment. Love her with my soul but didn't want that argument.

When finances are settled I'll see if she accepts. But at the moment I can't drop a boat load on that event. She understood the situation but I can promise. I'll give her everything but sadly not kids. According to the doctor I'm unfit. The age isn't the problem my sperm count is.

At 37 things came around and I'm all caught up. Life has accepted the effort and said enough. Bought a tab of acid and gave it a go. Did my research before entering the unknown. An experience for the books. A limitless substance like a city in flux. 

Done it several times throughout the years. Also been in hell which brought me to tears. 10 hours of madness that just doesn't disappear. Set and setting is everything unless you wanna be consumed by fear.

40 creeped pass the atmosphere was dull. A bit optimistic with a glass half full. Thoughts clogged up the mind like flushing a condom. Then vomit a random emotion like a denied refund. 

42 I've accepted the age, time to wed. We said I do and then we connect. Went well for most part going forward. Had our moments like a struggling composer. She stayed strong I respected that. Expected a bent knee a couple years back. Lived together since practically the first half. 2 years with distance then my place became our flat.

In my 50s the days drag a bit. Talk more move less regardless of what it inflicts. Saving a good portion the secret is to persist. The world has changed and my body refuses to notice.

Mid 60s and proceed with work. Let loose a bit because the labor began to hurt. Energy dies down the speed diminishes. Listen then speak like I'm no longer interested.

In my 70s I bought my childhood home. Loved the area plus I've been there for too long. My wife has passed away cancer is a bitch. Didn't hit rock bottom but emotionally I did. Hospitals clam to due all that they can. If that was the case they would have detected it before hand.

All caught up my life from the start. currently 84 and without a heart. I miss my wife the present at a halt. Acid taught me to accept life and peace will embark.

I am not who I was before. Personality shift like the coastal shores. No longer depressed and stressing. Money has been saved as if I'll be married. No kids sadly but we tried. Life always refuses the plans you keep in mind.

Things happen the world spins as normal. Not a fan of the events that left me in a hole. My younger self probably wouldn't have the guts to face it. Take any chance I could in order to quit. Yet here I am optimistic and pushing. Sit back wait or pour in a drink. Watch a movie or two. Retire with a herb. Being alone does make me perturb. 

The change from then and now made me demented. Somehow crawled through the issues life tested. With the war in my head I'd assume the direction. Of course plans never turn out how we expect them. Although every decision was with a positive intention. Life shot me with hatred as if the devil's present.

Finally coming of age it's time to settle down. Tired of searching for faith like a bloodhound. Just relax and reflect on the sounds. Close my eyes instead of fearing how. Peace is formed from within and once that's found. I've come to realize tranquility is profound.

December 02, 2022 21:35

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Edward Latham
12:39 Dec 14, 2022

Super cool story Daniel. I enjoyed the mix of poetry and wordcraft. It read like a literary piece.


Daniel Fernandes
13:43 Dec 14, 2022

Thank you for your comment. I am glad that you enjoyed the read. It took time to write since I tried to fit a lot into a single sentence. The story as a whole I am pleased with. I appreciate you taking the time to read and give feedback.


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David Drake
21:14 Jan 05, 2023

This was touching, in many ways for me. Thank you!


Daniel Fernandes
04:05 Jan 14, 2023

Thank you for taking the time to read and comment. I try to make it as relatable as possible. Stories of pain can heal those who need to feel their not alone. I am glad that the words touched you. You might like other stories I've written lately.


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Mary Lehnert
07:26 Jan 02, 2023

Very creative. Daniel. Hate to sound like a teacher but I advise using Grammarly. It has saved my bacon and is free. Very best of luck , you will become a very good writer.


Daniel Fernandes
13:44 Jan 03, 2023

Thank you for your comment. I appreciate the honesty. I do use Grammarly since it comes attached to my phone's keyboard but we always miss a few things or ignore a couple points. Thank you for the kind words. Sometimes doesn't seem like a soul's effort is worth it. Appreciate you taking the time to read and give feedback.


Mary Lehnert
13:53 Jan 03, 2023

Don’t be despondent, Daniel. It’s not about winning or losing Reedsy provides wonderful help from fellow authors and the camaraderie is nice too. Keep writing. please.


Daniel Fernandes
18:46 Jan 03, 2023

Thank you I appreciate the motivation. I have been writing for 10 years only started to put my stuff out recently. Mostly I do poems and stories but I understand things take time to manifest. Writing helps heal the soul and the results are pure bliss.


Mary Lehnert
18:49 Jan 03, 2023

Glad you found the bliss Daniel. I quite agree. and look forward to seeing you get one of those stars, It will happen.


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Robert Goswell
04:43 Dec 28, 2022

This speaks to me in a couple ways… very well written :)


Daniel Fernandes
03:56 Dec 29, 2022

Thank you I appreciate you taking the time to read and comment. I am glad that you enjoyed it.


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Stevie Burges
23:15 Dec 27, 2022

Hi Daniel I read it in my head (not a rapper fan) and it still read well - but I found it sad. Enjoyed the read.


Daniel Fernandes
04:13 Dec 28, 2022

Thank you for your comment. I enjoy the challenge of rhyming through a story all the way through. It is a sad story of the life this man lived but everyone struggles. We all go through something. And to come into peace with life and feel great to live in, to begin with is fantastic. Nevertheless, I appreciate you taking the time to read my story.


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Lily Finch
15:37 Dec 16, 2022

Interesting read with the rhyming words and the diction with wordcraft. Certainly a wonderful literary piece. LF6


Daniel Fernandes
17:31 Dec 16, 2022

Thank You for your comment. I am glad that you enjoyed the read. I appreciate you taking the time to read and share some feedback.


Lily Finch
19:18 Dec 16, 2022

No problem. You are welcome. LF6


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Mike Panasitti
15:48 Dec 15, 2022

I know your goal is to become a writer, but for kicks, you should try rap/singing this along to the instrumental version of Paul's Boutique by the Dust Brothers. For personal reasons, it would be interesting to know more about how the character obtained the LSD and the details of his trips. The hallucinogen seems to have had a beneficial effect on his worldview. Thanks for sharing this song-story, or bit of poetic prose, with us.


Daniel Fernandes
20:14 Dec 15, 2022

Thank you for your comment. I was actually told a bunch of times to crate music. I might give it a shot one of these days. I can see why from the flow but I just enjoy reading them. I tried to look up the instrumental but wasn't able to find it. Tonight I will see if I can take a look in other places. Let me know where I am able to find the instrumental. For obtaining the LSD I wanted the reader to have that imagination and come up with how he would be able to get them. The details of the trip itself coming from someone who has tripped befo...


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Unknown User
03:14 Dec 10, 2022

<removed by user>


Daniel Fernandes
06:30 Dec 10, 2022

Thank you for your comment. Super happy that you relished the story. I did want to be a rapper, but my delivery needs work. I speak to people in a way to pay attention to the words but not much to entertain and sing around if that makes sense. Yes this story is about how this old man reflecting on life and realizing how different he has became. I will love to come back and continue the poem only issue is I was almost late to enter the contest so I had to post the story where I felt best to end things at the time. I appreciate the advice o...


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