Contest #158 shortlist ⭐️

Love Letters from Lexington Prison

Submitted into Contest #158 in response to: Write about a character with questionable morals.... view prompt


Fiction Funny Contemporary

April 2, 2022

Dearest Lou,

I miss you so very much. Seeing you on Saturday only made me love you more. Did you get the $300 I put into your account before I left? To think that you are locked in that teeny tiny cell all alone keeps me up all night. My only solace is knowing I can visit you every weekend, even if it takes me 8 hours to drive to see you. I have enclosed the photo you requested of me and my daughter, Betsy. Have they accepted your request for a retrial? I know you are innocent of killing those girls. My Lou would never hurt anyone. I long to feel your arms around me. One day we will be living in my trailer on the beach, overlooking the stars, just you, me, my 4 kids, and 3 cats. One big happy family. Please write back soon. I have enclosed a lock of hair for you.




April 3, 2022

Dearest Cindy,

I miss you even more. I remember the first time I looked into your eyes; I felt my entire world shift. Seeing you Saturday made me love you more than you could possibly know. I dream of you day and night. I dream of cooking you and your children dinner. Thank you for the photo of you and Betsy. I have it hung on my wall next to my bed where I can see it every night before I go to bed. Could you bring her to visit with you the next time you come??? I would love to see her too. She is a mirror image of you, only younger. I can’t wait to live with you on the beach. We will be married and live long lives together. I will get a great job and you will never have to work again. You can go to the beach every day, and I will take care of the kids and do all the chores. I’ll hold you every night as we stare at the stars. I will be out soon. They say my retrial should be granted any day. Everyone knows I didn’t kill those girls. I would never hurt anyone. Not even a fly. Yes, I did receive the money. It will be the first amount of money I have gotten in years. I will finally be able to buy some food other than the slop they try to feed us. When you come next week, could you send $300 more?




April 4, 2022

Dearest Louie,

How is my smoochie poochie woochie? You looked so hot on Sunday, even in your prison clothes. I wanted to rip your jumpsuit off and pounce on you- if only the guards let us touch. I put in two pictures of me. One in a bikini and one in my high school graduation dress. When you get out, where should we get married? I want a big wedding. 200 people at least. Should we do a destination wedding? Maybe a rustic barn? How many kids do you want? I want at least 3. Maybe 4. You will make a great father one day. Did you speak with your lawyer about having the execution overturned? Someone is going to rot in hell for putting you in there. I can’t sleep at night knowing a murderer of young girls is still on the loose. I need you here to protect me.

Yours Forever and Always,


P.S. I deposited $250 in your account before I left. I stole it from my father’s drawer. Did you get it?


April 5, 2022

Dearest Tammy,

Your smoochie poochie is missing his woochie poochie terribly. I remember the first time I looked into your eyes; I felt my entire world shift. You smelled like heaven on Sunday. So good, I could eat you. Thank you for the photos. I have them hung on my wall next to my bed where I can see you every night before I go to bed. Let’s have 300 people at our wedding. No 400 people. We could get married at a rustic barn ON a beach. Wherever my baby wants. I would love to have children with you. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. The more the merrier. If they look like you, they will be blessed. We will be married and live long lives together. I will get a great job and you will never have to work again. My lawyer says it should be easy to overturn it. Everyone knows I am innocent. I should be out soon and will hold you tight every night until that murderer is found. I’ll even hunt for him myself and as soon as I find him, I will kill him so you will never have to feel unsafe again.

Yours Forever and Always,


P.S. I did get the money-thank you so very much as I have not had any money in that account in years. I will finally be able to buy some food other than the slop they try to feed us. Could you try to send in $200 more? Maybe try your mom’s purse?


April 6, 2022

Dear Lou,

You don’t know me, but my name is Carol. I saw your trial all over the news and couldn’t help but notice how handsome you were. Your puppy dog eyes, and big smile couldn’t possibly be the face of a killer. I want to let you know that I am single and very beautiful- I have enclosed a photo of me in this letter. I would love to have a correspondence with you if that is something you would be interested in. I don’t normally do things like this, but just felt a connection towards you like we were meant to be in touch.




April 7, 2022

Dear Rebecca,

Looking at your picture, I see you are the most beautiful woman I have ever had the pleasure of looking at. The first time I looked into your eyes in the photo, I felt my entire world shift. I have it hung on my wall next to my bed where I can see it every night before I go to bed. I feel like this was meant to be also. I am so lonely here. No one writes. No one visits. Would you want to visit me? I would love to see you. Where do you live? I should be out soon. Everyone knows I am innocent. It’s only a matter of time before the court grants me a release. When I get out, we can go on a proper date. Where would you like me to take you? I will get a great job and you will never have to work again. Would you be able to send in any money towards my account since I have not had anything in there for years? This would allow me to buy food other than the slop they try to feed us. Any amount would be much appreciated.




April 8, 2022

Dear Loubear,

I am so sorry I couldn’t see you this weekend. My kid’s dad was supposed to come get her for the weekend, but his beatass didn’t show up and then my mom wouldn’t take her. I was so sad thinking of you all weekend waiting for me, and you had no visitors. I put in this photo of me. Sorry it's not great, my kid took it. But it’s the best I could do for you. I wish I had a photo of you. I cut out all the magazine clippings and have them hung in my room. Just the photos of you of course. Not the lies about you. My seven-year-old, Destiny, is already calling you her step daddy. How about that? Would you like her to visit next time if I can’t get anyone to watch her? I deposited $100 into your account. I’m sorry it’s not more, but we are so strapped for money. Are you doing ok?

Love You More,



April 9, 2022

Dear Crystalbear,

I missed you this weekend. I was so lonely. I remember the first time I looked into your eyes; I felt my entire world shift. Thank you for the photo. I have it hung on my wall next to my bed where I can see you every night before I go to bed. I would love for Destiny to visit. Can you send a photo of her too with your next letter? I wish you had a photo of me too, but I will be out soon enough, and you will have the real thing. We will be married and live long lives together. I will get a great job and you will never have to work again. Thank you for the money, any little bit helps. It will be the first money I have gotten in years. I will finally be able to buy some food other than the slop they try to feed us. Next week, can you try to send in some more money? $50? Even $20 would help. Whatever you have.

Love You More,



April 10, 2022

Lou Lou,

I saw on the news that your execution was moved to Monday?!? I thought you were getting it overturned. I am trying to book a flight to come visit you, but they are so expensive, I don’t know how I will afford it. I sent in $200 to your account last week which was the last of my savings since I have been depositing $200 a week since I met you. Did you get it? I need to see you before Monday-I am in a panic. You haven’t called in a week. Please write back soon. I have enclosed another photo of me and my niece like you requested. I love that you want to get to know my family. Please write or call back as soon as you can. I am so terribly worried about you.

Your Soulmate,



April 11, 2022

Tiff Tiff,

Don’t believe what you read. I will be out soon – I won’t be executed. They can’t execute an innocent man. I remember the first time I looked into your eyes; I felt my entire world shift. Thank you for the photos. I have them hung on my wall next to my bed where I can see you every night before I go to bed. Thank you for the money, any little bit helps. I will finally be able to buy some food other than the slop they try to feed us. I would rather you send the money and not visit me since I will be out so soon. Could you spare $100 more? Even $50 would help. Where would you like me to take you on vacation when I get out? Paris? Italy? Bora Bora? You start planning sometime before Christmas. We will be married and live long lives together. I will get a great job and you will never have to work again.

Your Soulmate,

Lou Lou

Breaking News: April 13, 2022-- Convicted serial killer Louis Alfred Monkford, who was sent to prison in 2001 and denied responsibility for dozens of murders of young girls across the country, was executed Monday in Texas.

Monkford, 49, declined to make final remarks before his death, then took a few breaths, closed his eyes, and began to snore as the lethal-injection drugs took effect, The Lexington Press reported. He soon stopped moving and was pronounced dead 11 minutes later at 5:17 p.m. CT.

August 10, 2022 14:32

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Wilma Segeren
15:21 Aug 20, 2022

Great story. Loved the ending.


Kathleen Fine
17:02 Aug 21, 2022

Thanks Wilma!


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Kelsey H
08:41 Aug 20, 2022

Great take on the prompt, I loved how every letter he writes is basically the same with slight variations, also the thought of him in his cell with all these woman's photos around him, not to mention a big stash of money, was amusing. Though underneath that was the creepiness of his interest in their daughters. I guess he just has the knack of telling them what they want to hear, and they don't think too deeply about it.


Kathleen Fine
17:02 Aug 21, 2022

Thanks Kelsey!


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David Drake
20:46 Jan 05, 2023

Wow. That was a great use of letters to reveal a character. I felt torn between feeling sorry for those that he was exploiting and wanting to get in their faces and tell them all, "Don't fall for it! He's scum!!"


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Amanda Lieser
21:45 Sep 05, 2022

Hi Kathleen! What an incredible story! I loved that each letter was from another person caught in this person’s web. I was dying to know what would happen to them. They always say people write letters to serial killers so it was really cool to read a story centered around that. I also thoroughly enjoyed the blurb at the end. I wonder what happens to the moment he has left in his account? Thank you so much for writing this piece and congratulations on the shortlist!


Kathleen Fine
00:26 Sep 06, 2022

Thanks Amanda!


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21:22 Aug 22, 2022

It was an unhappy ending. I enjoyed the story.


Kathleen Fine
21:16 Sep 11, 2022

Thanks Faith!


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Story Time
18:09 Aug 22, 2022

I thought this was such a great interpretation of the prompt. A well-deserved recognition. Bravo.


Kathleen Fine
21:17 Sep 11, 2022

Thank you Kevin!


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Susan Williams
23:12 Aug 21, 2022

Love this! You captured the story perfectly. I like your use of letters from the different women but the basics of his letters were all the same.


Kathleen Fine
21:17 Sep 11, 2022

Thank you Susan!


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Seán McNicholl
22:04 Aug 20, 2022

Kathleen! Firstly congratulations on the shortlist AGAIN! Well done and we’ll deserved! Really enjoyed this story. Oh what a nasty manipulator Lou is! Loved the repetitive, rehearsed letters he sent! Well done!


Kathleen Fine
17:01 Aug 21, 2022

Thank you Sean!


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Mike Panasitti
20:06 Aug 20, 2022

Kathleen, as someone who has been in prison I interacted with a lot of cons, but I never met one as dastardly as Lou. Does Texas still have a death sentence? This was an excellent use of the prompt, but I'm still not convinced that state-sanctioned murder is the appropriate response to even the most heinous of crimes.


Kathleen Fine
17:03 Aug 21, 2022

Hi Mike- id love to hear about your time in prison! I agree, I am against the death sentence as well.


Mike Panasitti
01:15 Aug 22, 2022

Kathleen, some of the stories I have on Reedsy are semi-autobiographical or based on my misadventures in institutions of confinement. "Enter the Darkside" and "Misguided Bravado" have characters detained in a county jail and a state mental hospital, respectively. If you have a moment and are interested in reading based-on-true story accounts, I recommend you take a looksie at those. If you have any feedback, perhaps it will motivate me to write up more material based on my lived experiences. I enjoy the sincerity of your work and look ...


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Philip Ebuluofor
19:35 Aug 20, 2022

Why always like that with women? Fine work Kathleen. Congrats.


Kathleen Fine
17:03 Aug 21, 2022

Thanks Philip!


Philip Ebuluofor
13:29 Aug 23, 2022

My pleasure.


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Bradon L
01:25 Aug 20, 2022

Congrats on the shortlist! Well deserved.


Kathleen Fine
17:03 Aug 21, 2022

Thanks Bradon!


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Tommy Goround
20:54 Aug 19, 2022

Yay... congratulations. You did it.


Kathleen Fine
17:04 Aug 21, 2022

Thanks Tommy!


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Lavender Blue
14:47 Aug 18, 2022

Super idea and great story!! Telling a story in letters is unique. I couldn't help but wonder what he was going to do with all that money seeing as he was going to be executed. I know food was something he mentioned, but did he eat all that food?


Kathleen Fine
17:05 Aug 21, 2022

Thanks Lavendar! I think the mind of a master manipulator/serial killer isn’t always rational and I think he believed he was going to get out somehow even at the very end:)


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Sue Hunter
14:46 Aug 16, 2022

I've always found it so creepy that people become obsessed with killers. I'm a big crime junkie, but seeing some of those handwritten letters people send to murderers really gives me goosebumps. Great story!


Kathleen Fine
17:05 Aug 21, 2022

Thanks Sue! I love a good Dateline story as well!


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Graham Kinross
04:00 Aug 16, 2022

I never understand the people who get infatuated with people imprisoned for horrible crimes. If you knew them beforehand and believed they were innocent perhaps, but really?


Kathleen Fine
17:05 Aug 21, 2022

I agree!


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09:18 Aug 15, 2022

Well written, Kathleen :) Lighthearted in tone but so chilling at the end! I loved smoochie poochie and woochie poochie hahaha Thanks for sharing!


Kathleen Fine
17:05 Aug 21, 2022

Thanks Shuvayon!


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Marie Mckenzie
07:56 Aug 15, 2022

This isn’t fiction, this is the reality of the dating pool in 2022. Lol. Great job! Highly entertaining.


Graham Kinross
04:02 Aug 16, 2022

However bad it gets, hopefully you don’t have to resort to exchanging letters with a mass murderer!


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Kathleen Fine
17:06 Aug 21, 2022

Marie you crack me up 😂


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Chris Holland
04:41 Aug 15, 2022

You certainly nailed the prompt. Enjoyable to the end like others I wondered what would have happened if he had been reprieved.


Kathleen Fine
17:06 Aug 21, 2022

Thanks Chris!


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21:08 Aug 14, 2022

I really enjoyed reading your story, Kathleen! Beautifully written and a great take on the the topic. Looking forward to more of your stories


Kathleen Fine
17:06 Aug 21, 2022

Thanks so much Sonia!


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L.M. Lydon
19:16 Aug 14, 2022

I like reading the epistolary style generally and this was particularly fun when you played with the concept of the "form" love letter. You dropped in some really fun, occasionally revealing gems ("You smelled like heaven on Sunday. So good, I could eat you.").


Kathleen Fine
17:07 Aug 21, 2022

Thanks LM!


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