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Showing 30 scholarships that match your search.
Have you read Ayn Rand’s Anthem? Enter this Ayn Rand Institute essay contest for your chance to win one of countless scholarship prizes! To apply, submit a 600-1,200 word essay on one of three designated topics related to Anthem. Entrants must be in high school at the time of the contest deadline and are limited to one entry per student per contest.
Categories: Critical Essay
Organization: Ayn Rand Institute
Deadline: May 31, 2025
Additional awards: $1,000 for 2nd place, $500 for 3rd place
Recipients: 1
Top award: $2,000
The purpose of the James B. Boskey Student Essay Competition is to create greater interest in the field of dispute resolution among law students. The essay may address any aspect of dispute resolution practice, theory or research that the contestant chooses. Essays must be limited to 15-30 typewritten pages, including footnotes or endnotes.
Categories: Critical Essay
Organization: American Bar Association
Deadline: June 07, 2025
Additional awards: Winning and runner-up essays will be posted online
Recipients: 1
Top award: $1,000
Have you read Ayn Rand’s The Fountainhead? Enter this Ayn Rand Institute essay contest for your chance to win the top prize of $25,000! To apply, submit an 800-1,600 word essay on one of three designated topics related to The Fountainhead. The contest is open to all middle & high school students worldwide, ages 13 and older.
Categories: Critical Essay
Organization: Ayn Rand Institute
Deadline: June 07, 2025
Additional awards: $3,000 for 1st place, $2,000 for 2nd place, $1,000 for 3rd place
Recipients: 1
Top award: $25,000
Have you read Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged? Enter this Ayn Rand Institute essay contest for your chance to win the top prize of $25,000! To apply, submit a 800-1,600 word essay on one of three designated topics related to Atlas Shrugged. Entrants must be in 12th grade or college at the time of the contest deadline and are limited to one entry per student per contest.
Categories: Critical Essay
Organization: Ayn Rand Institute
Deadline: June 14, 2025
Additional awards: $3,000 for 1st place, $2,000 for 2nd place, $1,000 for 3rd place
Recipients: 1
Top award: $25,000
Phi Alpha Theta awards six prizes annually for outstanding papers written by members of the honor society. The essays should combine original historical research on significant subjects, based on source material and manuscripts if possible, with good English composition and superior style. Papers should not exceed 25 double-spaced pages in length and must be submitted by mail.
Categories: Critical Essay
Organization: Phi Alpha Theta
Deadline: July 01, 2025
Additional awards: 1 additional scholarship of $500 and 4 additional scholarships of $400 each
Recipients: 1
Top award: $500
This annual essay competition honors George Watt, a writer and lifelong activist central to the creation of ALBA. Students from anywhere in the world are invited to submit an essay or thesis chapter about any aspect of the Spanish Civil War, fascism in 1920s and 1930s, or the international volunteers who fought in support of the Spanish Republic from 1936 to 1938. The George Watt Prize is awarded in three categories: graduate, undergraduate, and pre-collegiate.
Categories: Critical Essay
Organization: Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives
Deadline: July 05, 2025
Additional awards: 1 additional undergrad prize of $500 and 3 pre-collegiate prizes of $250 each will be given
Recipients: 1
Top award: $1,000
The Marine Corps Essay Contest advances new thinking about how the U.S. Marine Corps will tackle the diverse and difficult security challenges of the 21st century. Dare to write about the toughest and most difficult issues; the topics that everyone knows need addressing, but some are hesitant to acknowledge. Essays should be 2,500 words maximum and this contest is open to all contributors.
Categories: Critical Essay
Organization: U.S. Naval Institute
Deadline: July 31, 2025
Additional awards: $2,500 for second place, $1,500 for third place
Recipients: 1
Top award: $5,000
The scholarship essay contest is designed for students who are full-time, undergraduate students in an American college or university. Applicants will write and submit a 1,500-5,000 word essay on a topic related to Abraham Lincoln (a new prompt is given each year). The first-place winner has the opportunity to attend the annual symposium of The Lincoln Forum in Gettysburg, PA in November.
Categories: Critical Essay
Organization: The Lincoln Forum
Deadline: August 31, 2025
Additional awards: $500 for second place, $250 for third place
Recipients: 1
Top award: $1,000
Our merit-based scholarships are awarded twice per year to support and encourage women studying International Trade and Global Development. Applicants must identify as female and be enrolled at an accredited U.S. college as a junior, senior, or graduate student. Awards will be based on the quality of the assigned essay and the applicant's demonstrated interested in international trade.
Categories: Critical Essay
Organization: The Association of Women in International Trade
Deadline: November 01, 2025
Additional awards: Multiple awards will be given each year; winners will also receive WIIT mentorship
Recipients: 1
Top award: $3,000
Underwritten by the New York Life Foundation, the New York Life Award offers $2,500 scholarships/travel stipends to ten students whose works explore death and personal grief. Sharing your story through art or writing can be a healing experience both for you and other teens who are grieving. Your creative work can help someone with similar experiences to you feel less alone.
Categories: Critical Essay
Organization: Scholastic Art & Writing Awards
Deadline: December 01, 2025
Recipients: 10
Top award: $2,500
The Ursinus College Creative Writing Award is a $40,000 per year major scholarship for creative writers of outstanding originality and potential. The award winner will have the honor of living in the dorm room once occupied by J.D. Salinger, who attended Ursinus. In the spirit of Holden Caulfield and Catcher in the Rye, we are looking for an unusual perspective, for quirky brilliance, for a voice. Candidates must achieve admission to Ursinus.
Categories: Critical Essay
Organization: Ursinus College
Deadline: January 03, 2026
Recipients: 1
Top award: $40,000
The purpose of the Norma Ross Walter Scholarship is to provide financial assistance to female graduates of Nebraska high schools who plan to enroll as English majors in accredited colleges or universities. Applicants must be female high school seniors who are prospective first year college students and plan to continue their education as English majors.
Categories: Critical Essay
Organization: Willa Cather Foundation
Deadline: January 31, 2026
Additional awards: $2,500 for second place, $2,000 for third place
Recipients: 1
Top award: $3,000
We award small artist support grants ($500 – $2,000) to individual feminist women in the arts who are citizens in the U.S and Canada. We welcome applications from women artists and writers who exhibit high quality and originality, use feminism as their central interpretive lens, and validate and express intersectional views.
Categories: Critical Essay
Organization: Barbara Deming Memorial Fund, Inc.
Deadline: January 31, 2026
Recipients: 1
Top award: $2,000
The winner of this award receives $2,000, an invitation to accept the award at our annual awards ceremony, promotion on our website, and a feature of their work in our journal and quarterly newsletter. Candidate must submit a 5-to-10 page story or essay on one of the chosen topics. Candidate must also be entering the sophomore, junior or senior year in the fall at any HBCU in the US.
Categories: Critical Essay
Organization: Go On Girl! Book Club
Deadline: February 01, 2026
Additional awards: Invitation to awards ceremony, promotion through website and publications
Recipients: 1
Top award: $2,000
Receive up to $15,000 in funding and join a community of more than five hundred alumni now teaching in higher education. Applicants must submit all required materials including personal statements, academic writing samples, and an essay responding to the question: "What is the relationship between liberal education and a free society?”
Categories: Critical Essay
Organization: Intercollegiate Studies Institute
Deadline: February 09, 2026
Additional awards: Multiple fellowships will be given
Recipients: 10
Top award: $15,000
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