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46 Best Character Development Writing Exercises

Showing 46 writing exercises curated by Reedsy.

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The Gatsby Method

Character Development

Establishing how your character is perceived by others is a great way to give them greater context. It can provide the author with expectations to subvert for the reader and add an interesting mystique to the character. To give the Gatsby Method a go, write a scene in which your character is only present through the candid descriptions of him/her by others.

Less Talk, More Action

Character Development

Try your hand at conveying your character through action by first writing a list of physical traits that apply to your character. Next, with that list at hand, write a scene where something is happening - whether it's a conversation, laundry-folding, cooking, etc. Weave references to your character's physicality into the action.

A Whole Week

Character Development

Describe each day of the week as if it were a person. Give each one personality traits, a job, and a goal. Write a short story about them.


Character Development

Transplant your character into an entirely new location. It could be a new country, city, or continent. How do they react to the new surroundings?

Don't Look in the Mirror

Character Development

It's impossible not to put some of yourself and your own life into your writing. But when you're writing about characters who you don't share much in common with, it can be tricky to authentically capture their "voice" and point of view. To develop this skill, fill out this character profile and base it on yourself. Then fill out a second one and make it as different from your own as possible.

Undisclosed Desires

Character Development

What does your character want most? Now consider what he needs most. Is what he wants preventing him from gaining what he needs? Or will he have to find what he wants before he can achieve what he needs?

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