Write your book in Reedsy Studio. Try the beloved writing app for free today.
Craft your masterpiece in Reedsy Studio
Plan, write, edit, and format your book in our free app made for authors.
Write your book in Reedsy Studio. Try the beloved writing app for free today.
Craft your masterpiece in Reedsy Studio
Plan, write, edit, and format your book in our free app made for authors.
Showing 91 writing apps that match your search.
Outline faster, organize smarter, and turbocharge your productivity today with the #1 visual book planning software for writers.
Platforms: Mac, iPhone, iPad, Android, Windows, PC
Best for: Outlining, Book, and Story
Website: https://plottr.com/
Base price:
Premium price:
Visual timelines
Series planning
Starter templates & story bibles
★★★★ Performance
★★★ Features
★★★★★ Accessibility
★★★ Value
Also rated 3.0 ★ on Reedsy
A minimalist writing zone, where you can block out all distractions and get to what's important. The writing! To get started, all you need to do is delete this text (seriously, just highlight it and hit delete), and fill the page with your own fantastic words. You can even change the title!
Platforms: Online, Chrome
Best for: Drafting, Book, Story, Poetry, Journal, Essay, and Free
Website: https://zenpen.io/
Base price:
Premium price:
Minimalist interface
Full screen
Dark mode
★★★★★ Performance
★★★ Features
★★★ Accessibility
★★★★ Value
Typing Chimp Character is designed to help fiction writers create better characters, stories, and worlds fast.
Platforms: Windows, Mac, PC
Best for: Outlining, Worldbuilding, Book, and Story
Website: http://www.typingchimp.com/
Base price:
Premium price:
Enneagram tools
Story generator
World generator
★★★ Performance
★★ Features
★★★ Accessibility
★ Value
If you write thrillers, romance, mysteries, fantasy, sci-fi, young adult, horror or one of a thousand other subgenres, we’d like you to meet our fiction-loving A.I., Marlowe. She can read and critique your work with a comprehensive 36-page report in a matter of minutes and deliver fascinating, actionable insights.
Platforms: Online
Best for: Book, Editing, and Story
Website: https://authors.ai/marlowe/
Base price:
Premium price:
Flag misspellings
Writing tips
Book comparisons
Cliche finder
★★★★ Performance
★★★★ Features
★★★ Accessibility
★★★ Value
Notes are just the beginning. Create and annotate anything, from study guides to storyboards. We've got an intuitive, minimal interface for you to start in seconds.
Platforms: Mac, iPhone, iPad
Best for: Note-taking, Book, Story, Journal, and Free
Website: https://notability.com/
Base price:
Premium price:
Presentation mode
PDF import and annotation
Multimedia notes
Custom stickers
★★★★ Performance
★★★★ Features
★★★ Accessibility
★★★★ Value
Also rated 4.7 ★ on the App Store
Track your progress. Stay accountable. Finish your drafts.
Platforms: Online, Chrome
Best for: Drafting, Book, and Story
Website: https://www.writinganalytics.co/
Base price:
Premium price:
Write alongside friends or strangers
Automatic analytics
Habit tracker
Draft versioning
★★★★ Performance
★★★★★ Features
★★ Accessibility
★★★★ Value
A tool for thoughtful writing. See your work in new ways, think with an integrated concept map, and export with an automatic reference section, all in a distraction free environment.
Platforms: Mac
Best for: Drafting, Book, Story, Essay, and Free
Website: https://www.augmentedtext.info/author
Base price:
Premium price:
Light and dark mode
Focus mode
Integrated concept map
★★★★ Performance
★★★★ Features
★★ Accessibility
★★★★ Value
Also rated 4.4 ★ on TechRadar
Our free writing app lets you set writing goals and track your progress, so you can finally write that book!