
"The room is unfamiliar. I don't know how I got here." Beau thinks in thought. Of all the places she adventured to with no direction in sight, she always seemed to land within at least de-ja-vu visuals. But, this place lacked reason to use words as missiles, weapons for defense, or an extra layer to keep her warm which is why this room is not familiar.

Clay smooth interior constructed the room that swallowed her. Sun beams dashed through a window to her right, where one would be delighted to howl happily at the moon come night.

"Are you going to stand there all day in a dream like daze, Beau? Or, will you come outside and see where you are?" His voice in a favorable mannerism asks.

Beau snaps out of her defense. She walks out of the room she found herself in and into the kitchen of a cozy small cottage with floral decor and fresh baked bread aroma. Her senses tingle with delight, her eyes began to water with salt.

"Oh, you dear little one. It's been a life, yea? You must have forgotten, but that is okay. It's about time you have come. We've been expecting you, let me show you where you belong." The same unknown voice says.

A door that leads outside opens without hands touching it.

"Come along, no need to be spooked." The voice assures.

Outside Beau steps, onto millions of clovers that shimmer of butterfly magic. A soft breeze wraps around her like a unforgotten hug. She finds herself smiling.

"There she is!" The voice motherly boast.

"Come, come. Follow my voice, trust where the wind blows. She guided you here after all."

The wind softly blows her dress further out into the field of clovers, her feet happily flirt with the soil that squeezes between her toes. She follows the voice continuing to speak.

"Beau, you ever wonder why you wander? Surely thats why you wander without wonder. It is no wonder why you have finally wandered here."

The voice stops.

She is awe struck by beauty.

"Beau, that is a lovely dandy lion you are holding. But, I need you to focus. Come along."

Beau releases the unpicked lion and continues to walk the direction where she knows not of, if anything were familiar, it was this part to her. The unknown.

"You can not see me, but I have kept watch on you. You born into chaos, forging your lifestyle with passion and grit. Falling in love with all, you have been bit. A time or two, forgiven and forced to keep moving in a direction to find something familiar. "Who" never mattered, "what" never paid you much care. Paid is something you roll your eyes at, while needing just that to put food in your mouth, or a roof over your head. Those words you write, but words you never let read. You survived until you decided to sleep, in your dreams is where life seems like a fine line you balance on. Controlling every detail like living, except when your eyes are resting, we are here investing the nurture you need. This is why you faint if you bleed."

The voice stops and Beau finds herself standing on a bluff that over sees an ocean that befriends a beach, and a road that homes performance engines.

"Beau, open your eyes."

She closes her eyes and breaths in the salt air.


Air continues to build in her lungs as she ignorantly objects to such romantic ideas.

"Do not be afraid to see. Beau, this is so unfamiliar to you because this is home. You are home."

Beau opens her eyes and sees him for a moment, he wears motorcycle gear but then he vanishes.

"Maybe we should take a walk down memory lane, that should reassure your sight."

The wind directs her body down the bluffs grassy hillside, she can not keep pace with the wind and falls. Gravity takes toll on her body and she finds herself rolling faster than the wind. She can hear him calling to her from behind, she has also in front of him.

Beau lets out a smiling exhale. She does not mind that she is not in control of the direction. She finds herself enjoying the speed, and then suddenly comes to a stop on paved road.

The once fast winds turn soft, and he finds Beau in a fit of giggles.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

"Am I okay?" She questionably responds in laughter while looking him in the eyes.

"I am alive! I have never felt like I belonged to such a place. I can

feel everything here, and it does not frighten me!" She laughs harder.

"Do you now where here is, Beau?"

She looks at him, him in his motorcycle gear. She stands up from the pavement and walks over to the once voice who guided her along with no image.

"I know you." She says while taking off his helmet.

She studies his face that breath lines of fearless racing. She then pulls him in for a hug.

"You are my family, and this is Isle Of Man. Our home."

He returns the hug and salt begins to fall from his face.

"I bet you do not remember the course, daughter."

"I bet I pick better lines then you, old man." She playfully punches his shoulder.

As if magic of the unknown sparked, a motorcycle wedged between the father and daughter. He hops on, and she starts to climb on the back.

"No, no, no. What is the first rule we follow while riding motorbikes?"

"Never hop on the back of a bike with someone else." She huffs.

"Exactly." He smirks while magically another bike appears.

She tosses on a helmet that he hands her, and then swings a leg over her bike. He starts his and looks at her, he gives a thumbs up. She responds the same and off he goes with her in pursuit. They wind the coast of the island and then head inland towards the towns that wait. Along the way the ride, she sees others cheering them on. People who share the same passion, riders like him who have fallen. She pays her respects as she passes. They wind the mountain course the proper way and then come to a sudden stop in a bay town called, Peel.

He turns off his bike, and walks over to her while she is still ready to ride.

"Beau, you are right where you need to be. You are home. Welcome home, kiddo."

Beau gives him a thumbs up, and then he vanishes again.

"HOME. You are home." the ghost voice says.

Salt falls from Beaus eyes while she releases the clutch of the bike. She finds herself wondering how she wandered to a place so familiar, but then she hears that voice.

"It does not matter, Beau. You are home. Welcome home."

February 15, 2025 03:40

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Victor Amoroso
01:19 Feb 20, 2025

You use the word home, a lot. When I find myself repeating words, I open a thesaurus website, and replace some of them, and I find it helps the flow of my story. If you read this out loud, you will see it as well. I enjoyed your story, it felt ethereal.


Beau Daniel
02:42 Feb 21, 2025

Thanks for the tip! I did use the word a lot, slightly rushed the ending.. but the whole point was for Beau to find, "home." -Which prior was unfamiliar. I'm still learning. Had to use that website to define, "Ethereal." ;)


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