American Drama Romance

one day my husband & I moved to a town called wood deck a southern town.

My husband Eric had a new job in this town which was the reason we moved here.

We are originally from Mobile, Alabama.

Eric & I were high school sweethearts.

We fell in love at just the age of 16 & we got married right in my parent's backyard at 18!

I knew he was the love of my life from the moment our eyes latched!

We both promised each other on our wedding day to always be there for one & support each other. Since that day we did just that!

But suddenly all of that changed once we moved to this town.

The first day that we arrived at our house the folks on our street were kind.

The woman across the street baked Eric & me a cinnamon apple pie fresh out of the oven!

The lady just a few doors down knitted me a sweater! I don't know when I'll ever wear it because the weather is always humid! But the gift was mighty kind.

one hot afternoon while Eric was working at his new job I was at home unpacking when suddenly I heard a soft knock on the front door.

"Who is it?"

"Billy from 2 doors down!"

I opened the door & there was a tall white man with blue eyes & gold blonde hair.

"Hello Ma'am! I hope I didn't disturb you it's just that the folks on this block told my wife & I that a new couple had just moved into town & I just thought I would come on down & introduce myself"

"Oh ok Hi how do you do I'm Madeline I'm just unpacking, my husband Eric is at work so maybe later on tonight I'll have him go on down & say hi"

"Oh that'll do, my wife is out doing gods know who but when she is available I'll have her come on down as well but there was something else I wanted to mention I'm an electrician I usually help the folks out in this town so if you ever have any problem with your electricity I'm only 2 doors down 314 is the number on our door"

"Ok great! Thank you I'll let my husband know thank you! You have a good day now!"

I slowly close the door & return to the living room.

When Eric returned home from work that evening I had prepared his favorite which was southern fried chicken, biscuits, mashed potatoes, & greens.

"How was work?" I say while giving him a soft kiss on the cheek

" it was great! What did you do today?" We both sit at the dining room table finishing up the conversation.

" I was finishing unpacking, oh another neighbor had knocked on the door in the afternoon just introducing himself he says he is a electrician!"

"Oh, nice! Great, what's his name?"

"Billy I believe he said"

"He said he & his wife will come down to welcome us both!"

"Ok I hope to see them soon"

Later that night as Eric & I lay in bed we say good night with her lips until the sun-brushed upon our faces.

As I kissed Eric goodbye & watched him drive off to work. I then sat in the front yard growing the sunflower seeds that my mama had given to me as a gift before I left home.

I then get a visitor from another neighbor she begins walking up the stairs to our home but she hadn't noticed me in the yard so I jumped up & said: "Are you looking for me?"

She becomes startled & says "Oh! I didn't see you there oh my! Well, my name is Rose. I live 2 doors down my husband's name is Billy!"

"Oh yeah, I met him yesterday the electrician guy!" I tried giving her a womanly handshake but then realized that my hands had been covered by dirt.

"Yea! That's my Billy!

The best way to describe Ms. Rose is she had strawberry blonde hair, bright red lipstick & very pale skin.

" So what are you growing in your little garden?"

"Sunflower seeds that my mama had given me before I left from home"

" where are you folks from?"

"Mobile, Alabama"

"Ooh, nice! Well, it's nice for you folks to come into our town I hope to meet your husband you have a good day!"

I wave her goodbye & then enter the house to grab a cold beverage out of the refrigerator.

As I leave the kitchen I go into the living room to see if anything was entertaining on the television but couldn't watch anything because on the screen it had read "No Signal"

"Oh great!"

I look outside & see billy with a guy talking.

Billy in the car & the guy outside of the car speaking to Billy.

"So who's the new folks that moved into town?"

"The wife name is Madeline & the husband's name is Eric"

"Where are they?"

"Alabama, Rose had gone over there & met the wife"

"Oh it's good to have new folks in this town"

"Yea well Tom I have to get going it was nice talking to you, buddy! Have a good day!

" Yup, you do the same, Billy!"

instead of staying in like I always do, I decided to walk the town to see what it might be.

As I walk & say hi & bye to folks I notice a floral shop. I entered the floral shop brought myself more sunflower seeds.

When I left the floral shop I notice a tv store across the street. As hesitant I was I entered the store because I needed a new tv.

when I arrived I greet the owner & tell him that I am currently looking for a new tv. As I am talking to the owner I hear a voice say "Hi Madeline". I look to the right of me & the voice was from Billy, my neighbor!

I gently say "Oh hi there Billy"

As he puts a cigarette into his mouth he says "I see that you are making your way around town"

"Yes just checking out the neighborhood"

As we carry on with the conversation he then offered me a ride home.

Just two days later we both made a mistake as married people.

Eric went on a business trip with his coworkers & Rose Billy's wife went to go visit her mother for a few days.

Billy asked if I wanted to come over to have a drink. I accepted we had too many & woke up nude the next day in his bed.

I grabbed my clothes & ran out of the door as fast as I could.

When I arrived home I sobbed while in the shower. I felt so disgusted with myself I couldn't believe that I had done this with a stranger.

I knew if I told Eric he wouldn't look at me as the same woman that he married.

So I decided to keep it to myself.

After that day I avoided Billy for a week.

By that time Eric had arrived back from his business trip & I greeted him with a kiss when he walked through the door.

The next day I went back to the tv store to pick up my tv because it was ready for pickup.

There he was leaning on his truck outside smoking a cigarette.

As I walk out of the store I quickly walk to my car but then he starts to walk behind me & say

"Do you need some Help, Madeline?"

"No, I'm fine thank you!"

"Just let me help" he then grabs the tv out of my hands & put it in the backseat of the car.

" you can't avoid me, Madeline we live in the same town you'll always run into me!"

"Yes I can & I will. I want nothing to do with you I'm married & I love Eric!" As I try to get in my car he stops the door from opening with his hand.

" I love Rose, but that night was something special you must admit it"

"We were both intoxicated Billy! What is so special about that?"

"Did you tell Eric?"

"No, because nothing is happening between us what's to tell? If you don't excuse me I have to go"

II get in my car & through the window he says

"Eventually the truth will come out if you don't tell Eric I will!" He then walks off & I start into a daze.

What billy had said to me was on my mind heavy. I was up several nights thinking about what I should do.

Should I just tell Eric the truth?

I mean it would be better if he heard it from ME! Instead of hearing it from the grapevine.

after a long time of thinking, I decided what I needed to do. I was going to tell Eric the truth but first I needed to deal with Billy!

one day I showed up to his house unannounced with a razor blade behind my ear.

It's not better than a gun but it's less harmful.

I didn't want to harm him I just wanted to scare him away.

So I demanded that he should leave me & my husband alone.

November 27, 2020 22:47

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F. A.
13:23 Dec 07, 2020

Great job!


Jade Orien🍀
14:27 Dec 07, 2020

Thank You!❤


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Jade Orien🍀
14:02 Dec 05, 2020

I started to lose interest in this story which is why it might seem confusing to others. The story was supposed to be about a married couple moving into a new town & the wife begins to fall in love with the guy from their neighborhood named billy. Then I realized that I didn't want that to happen anymore & so on. For those who do like this story thank you for liking it❤


Llind Kam
14:41 Dec 05, 2020

I would have liked a bit more of explaining but it is not as confusing as you think. I enjoyed reading it. At the beginning I was expecting something creepy about the town, but that wasn't the case.


Jade Orien🍀
18:50 Dec 05, 2020

Thank you. ❤ that would've been interesting if it was a scary ending I tried to make it that way but I sort of just gave up in the middle of it


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12:52 Dec 05, 2020

Hmm... A little rocky, but an interesting idea. The cliffhanger is good!


Jade Orien🍀
13:30 Dec 05, 2020

Thank you!❤


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✨Abby ✨
21:49 Dec 06, 2020

A little bit clunky, but other than that, great story line!


Jade Orien🍀
01:11 Dec 07, 2020

Thank you❤


✨Abby ✨
17:24 Dec 08, 2020

Do you mind checking out my newest story and letting me know what you think? If you want of course.


Jade Orien🍀
23:50 Dec 08, 2020

Yeah sure


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