Fiction Teens & Young Adult

Stephen Dreher was a pretty average young man. He had long black hair that rested just below his shoulders. He usually had it pulled into a ponytail. He had olive-colored skin with a face full of freckles. His eyes were an ocean of grey and blue. His nose was sharp and narrow. It was twisted slightly to the left from an accident when he was younger. He always had a firm line in place on his lips, never one to really show emotions. His jaw was defined and his chin jutted out with pride.

Besides his looks, he was currently a chemistry major at UCLA. He had gotten a scholarship there two years ago and had been incredibly thankful for it. He didn't come from a family with a whole lot of money, hell he was the first in his family to even go to college.

He had two siblings, both younger and on a similar path as him. His dads were very proud of their eldest son, saying that he was going to be a doctor to just about anyone who would listen. It made him laugh honestly since he, in fact, wasn't going to be a doctor of any sort.

He lived in a small apartment with three roommates; Jackson, his bunkmate; Alex, his best friend; and Drew, Alex's fianceé. Alex and Stephen had met in his AP lit class freshman year. They had been paired for a project on Sappho. Alex had laughed and said that this was perfect for her. Stephen had looked at her confused for a moment before it hit him. He chuckled lowly at her very bad pun. They continued to joke throughout the class and several after that until the project was due. They had gotten an A on it despite the distraction, and they just continued to talk outside of class. Alex would come over every other day and they would just sit and hang out.

About a month after Stephen had met Alex, they met Drew. She had been sitting on a bench in the quad reading a book. Alex and Stephen were throwing a beaten football back and forth, doing silly and risky throws. When Alex had tried to throw an underhand swirl throw it had hit Drew in the face. Alex had immediately rushed over, worried that the girl had a concussion or something (she didn't throw it that hard.), and they had gotten to talking. Alex being as 'smooth' as ever asked if she could make it up to Drew with a coffee. Drew had blushed and nodded her head. The rest is history.

In their sophomore year, they had met Jackson, he had been working at the newest taco bell that just opened up near the school. A pretty smart idea from the company. The trio had decided to go there before heading to the library to study for their finals. When they walked in Jackson gave them a smile saying 'welcome to taco bell!' something none of them had heard taco bell employees say before. They rolled with it though and ordered. Jackson kept hitting on Drew and Drew was getting rather flustered. Alex, however, was getting angry and eventually told him to step off. That Drew was her girlfriend. Jackson's eyes had widened and he quickly apologized saying that if he had known he wouldn't have said anything. Alex had just nodded and paid for the food. What they didn't realize until they got to the library was that Jackson had paid for their meals. They had gone back the next day to thank him and invite him to go bowling. With Alex making a little joke about not hitting on Drew again. Again the rest was history.

About a month into his junior year, his dads came to visit him. They had brought his siblings as well. Nicolas, the middle child; and Savannah, the youngest child. They all looked about the same, all three of them had long black hair. All of them had grey or blue eyes, and a sharp, narrow nose. All of them had olive-colored skin. The only difference was height and freckles. Where Nicolas and Stephen had them, Savannah didn't. In place of her freckles were a cute pair of dimples. Nicolas was now in his senior year of high school and was getting ready for the basketball team at Oklahoma State. Savannah was in her sophomore year of high school and was on the cheer squad and in drama. Stephen had to admit that he was proud of them, even if they did pluck his nerves.

His dads were polar opposites, both in looks and in personality. His dad David, had blond hair that was cut short and clean. He had soft brown eyes and a small pudgy nose. He was pale as shit but he went to the beach often so he had a little color too. David was bubbly and fun, loud and energetic. He always took them cool places and on crazy trips. He was the one that got Stephen interested in science when he took him to this massive science convention. His pops, Winston, had Brown hair that was about medium length and was always in a neat man bun. He had bright blue eyes and a sharp and narrow nose. He was olive-skinned, but he rarely went out in the sun. Winston was calm and collected, quiet and chill. He was always the one that took them to the doctors or out to get clothes and food. But he could be fun too, mostly when he was around his husband. Overall they were a perfect fit for each other.

After the short little visit from his family, he had met Aeron. She was in his chem class, but she always sat in the back so no one really noticed her much. They had been partnered for a major project, worth 40% of their grades. But as soon as they started talking they knew they would be fine. They worked well together, like a well-oiled machine. before the other could ask for something they were already being handed the item or being told the thing they needed. The project became less of a stressfest and more of just a fun thing to do. They would spend about all day together talking about any and everything. Some things on topic, others not so much. Over the weeks they slowly started to gain feelings for each other. When the project was done Stephen decided to stop being a coward and just ask her out. He asked her to dinner and she had said yes. Once again the rest was history.

January 26, 2022 21:55

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Moon Lion
19:45 Jan 28, 2022

This was really interesting as a way to interpret the prompt and you truly made a whole human being in my opinion, with all the details most writers wouldn't even have thought to consider. Really well written, I just wish some of the transitions between paragraphs/sections were smoother.


Jace A. King👑
20:07 Jan 28, 2022

Hehe, Thanks for the Feedback. I absolutely love writing my own characters I just can't get in the heads of already made ones. I also overthink everything sooo..... But thank you so much :)


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Laura Jarosz
21:35 Jan 31, 2022

This was such a sweet story (and as others mentioned, a clever use of the prompt!) Sometimes I wish the upper limit on Reedsy's word count was a little higher, because I would have loved to read some of these moments as fully fleshed out scenes with full dialogue. Reiterating one of the other comments, you really thought your characters through, and it made them very real!


Jace A. King👑
14:09 Feb 02, 2022

Thank you, I really liked being inside my character's heads. I always self-doubt and then overthink things that make me feel like these characters are not as good as they seem.


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12:59 Mar 03, 2022

WOW! This story is something to revisit and make a continue on the story like what happens with Stephen and Aeron relationships and also the other friends too.


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Hannah Barrett
21:49 Jan 31, 2022

Great job with these very real, very whole people you've created! Really nice to see something (and I mean SEE - you provided great visuals) so character driven. Well done!


Jace A. King👑
14:12 Feb 02, 2022

Thank you, this means a lot to me :)


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Philip Ebuluofor
10:06 Jan 29, 2022

You mean all these names came the generator? I suspected they would Western names mostly and opted for another prompt. Fine work for sure.


Jace A. King👑
19:26 Jan 31, 2022

Yes, they did lol. It has a bunch of options. I went with some german and welsh names and some European names too. It was really fun. Thanks :)


Philip Ebuluofor
14:52 Feb 02, 2022

Fine work. I really don't know the origins of most names. I suspect you must tailor your story to the culture of those names, that is reason I ran.


Jace A. King👑
16:32 Feb 02, 2022

Well thank you.


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