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Contemporary Fiction



   “…. dressed.”

   Tag. Itch. Itch. Itch. Tear, worry, tear, worry, tear, worry.


   Tear, worry, tear, worry, tear, worry.

   “Okay… ruined… this one.”

   Have you looked at the programs available? Have you considered what your long-term strategy will be? There’s a number of entry level programs that are very important as they allow us to establish a baseline we can measure progress against.

   Chair. Hunch. Look about. Hair twirl. Pat. Shift. Chair. Shift. Sweet Dreams.   Oatmeal. Rub, table top. Finger swirl. Wet. Moist.


   Here Comes The Rain…

   “… you have… shirt” “Come on…” “Becky…”

   Car. Rock. Back and forth. Back and forth.

   “…keep… belt.”

   Window. Circle. Breath. Circle. Breath.

   Through a series of test. Then, developing goals and a measurable criterion, we can look at options that are more in tune with the situations and circumstances you may be evaluating in your own futures.

   Becky. Hands. Noise.

   “Hello…” “Hello…” “Hello…” “Line up.” “Sit.” “…Mall.”


   “Hee-hee, hee-hee, hee-hee.”

   Color. There are no lines. Red. Blue. Yellow hurts. Red. Blue. Green. Yellow is too loud.

   “Too loud. Too loud. Too loud.” Head shake, head shake, head shake.

   When you look at the overall picture you can’t just impose change. So, we look at moving in those areas that we can influence the type of moments we want to be different. Understanding that all change is a slow process.

    Hands. Hold hands. All together. Let’s go.

   Sidewalk. Sun. Hat.

   “Hat.” “Hat.” “Hat.”

   Sidewalk. People. Car. Car. Car. Bus. Car. Car. Car.

   Bump. Shake. Pat head. Pat head. Pat head. Hair twirl. Pat head. Hair twirl.

   People. Bruce, Terry, Vuvu, Sally, Huey, Farida. Hold hands. Hands.

   Inside. Candy. Candy. Candy.

   “No… …no…   …noooo.”

   Counter, hit. Counter, hit. Becky. Terry pinch. Bruce kick.

   “Emmy! Emmy!”

   Sit. No sit. Sit. No sit. Sit. No. sit. Pat head. Twirl hair. Pat head.

   The important thing to remember is what are your standards? What do you want from this? What are your expectations?

   “We had that problem, and you know what we did?” “I saw this thing on the internet.” “… a couple who have a farm and they found by changing the diet to natural…” You need to look at what you’re not doing… ““Do you know what the cause is?” “I know someone like that.”

   Man. Vest. Man. Stripes. Yellow. Hurts. Slap. Slap. Slap. Kick. Pinch.

   People. Food. Smell. Sick, sick.


   Huey cry. Huey cry. Huey cry. Slap, slap, slap. Huey loud.

   “Too loud. Too loud. Too loud.”

   Hand wrist. Hands wrists. Kick, kick, kick.

   You need to talk to- You should look into- Have you tried- We’ve heard of- I read something about that.

   “…wait… it’s alright… it’s alright… it’s alright…”

   Sit. No. Sit. No. Sit. Slap table. Slap table. Slap table.


   Huey cry. Sally cry. Farida slap.

   “Hee-hee, hee-hee, hee-hee.”

   “No… Emmy… it’s alright.”

   Mom. Calm. Car. Belt. Rock. Forward, backward. Forward, backward.

   “…you know, I can’t….” “…listen to Becky…” “…friends…”

   Home. Desk. Sweet Dreams. Here Comes The Rain. Sweet Dreams. Mom. Apple slices. Peanut butter.

   Why don’t we set an appointment? We can look at modifications. Light, color, sound, sensory perception.

   Desk slap. Desk slap. Desk slap.

   “Watch your music.”

   Alone. Upstairs. Bathroom.

   Bathroom. Hee-hee, hee-hee, hee-hee. Good job.

   Where? Kitchen. Milk. Pour. Floor. Puddle. Big. Big. Bigger. Watch. Pat the milk.

   “Emmy!   … you can’t… why do… sit down… your music… go... laundry…  give me that... sit.”

    Alone. Basement. Light. Door close.

   Milk. Pour. Watch the puddle.


   Smile. Big hugs.

   Chocolate milk. Sweet Dreams. Sweet Dreams. Sweet Dreams.


   “Too loud. Emy, too loud. Emy, too loud. Hee-hee, hee-hee, hee-hee.”

   Have you considered a trust? An eventual placement? Have you looked at your larger community and seen what kind of resources are possible? I saw this show- I heard this talk- You know, if you did- Have you prayed? Have you considered meditation? There’s an exercise you can do-


   “… tired… late… hungry…”

   “… Emy… then she… today… mall… then I… milk…”

   “…work… talked to… they say… what about… I heard… did you…  what about… did they… we should… what if… did you talk to… when’s that? Okay… later… right now… eat.”

   “Too loud, Emy. Too loud. Too loud. Hee-hee, hee-hee, hee-hee.” Desk slap. Desk slap. Desk slap.”

  “Stop it!”

   Quiet. “Sweet Dreams. Sweet Dreams. Sweet Dreams.”

   “Walk. …quiet down… go for a walk… shoes.”

   “Shoes. Shoes. Shoes.” Shoes. Door. Door. Door.

   “ …be back..”

   “Did you hear from…”

   Door open. Open door. Door open.

   “Alright, Emy… wait… a minute… wait… I’m talking.”

  Slap door Slap door. Window. Glass. Broke. Blood. Blood. Scream.




   Scream. Move away. Away.

  “…need to see.”

   Push. Push away. Blood. Scream.  

   “Stop it!”

   Slap. Slap. Move away. Blood. Cry. ”No.”

   “…let us see.”


  Hands. Arms. Hands. Hold. Can’t breathe. Blood. Mom.

   Water. Warm. Quiet. Calm. Hurt. Sore. Towel. Towels.

   Car. Belt. Towel. Warm.


   Have you submitted the forms? It’s important that things are kept up to date. The person you want to book is not available for at least eight months, follow up in five years. That other person is no longer here. Who were you dealing with? I don’t know why they would have told you that. I understand, but the guidelines have changed. We can’t do anything if the system won’t allow it. Yes, everyone’s on a waiting list.

   “No.” Slap. Slap. Kick.

   “I know. I know.”

    “… we’ll look.”


   Needle. Hands hold arms. “No.”


   Car. Arm. Home. Shoes. Sweet Dreams.

    “…worried about you… alright?”

   Change. Pajamas. Brush teeth. Bed.

   “Good night, I love you.”

   “… luv you.”

   Lights out.

   Have you looked at what’s offered for yourselves? Have you considered your own needs? There’re groups. Seminars. Facilitators, we can put you touch with. Then there’s the financial aspect. Planning. Eventual retirement. What about after you’re both gone?

   Sweet Dreams. Sweet Dreams. Sweet Dreams. Here Comes The Rain.

   Wait. Wait. Wait. Quiet. Calm. Quiet. Rock. Side to side. Side to side. Arm is sore.

   Slap wall. Slap wall. Slap wall.

February 18, 2023 18:19

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1 comment

20:57 Feb 26, 2023

Oh wow, this was powerful!


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