Left behind.
For others to see.
War wounds.
For others to figure out.
The Story of Scarface. A Blackfoot Indian tale of honesty, loyalty, friendship, courage, self-discipline, in the life of a young boy brave and loyal, carrying fortitude. (wjb)
A really brave boy. A boy who fought a grizzly bear. Yep. A grizzly bear while on a hunting party with the guys. While the desperate fight with the grizzly occurred, the bear set its claws in the boy’s face and tore it cruelly. When the wound healed, there was left a red, unsightly mark, so thereafter the boy was called “Scarface”.
The boy thought little of the disfigurement until he fell in love with the beautiful daughter of the chief of his tribe. When he saw all the handsome young braves dressing themselves in the splendid dress and going to pay court to this maiden at her father’s wigwam, his heart ached very sorely because he was poor and friendless. Above all, he bore upon his face the terrible disfiguring scar.(wjb)
Well. Safe to say. Sometimes. “them court in’ days are…..over”. Or have they just begun? Adolescent lessons of learning how to get along.
But the wise young daughter, young girl, did not care for boastful talk of the Indians who crowded round her. But. The girl noticed the bravery of Scarface. She felt he was braver and truer than the other lovers who boldly sought her favor. (wjb)
When the young boys would mock one another, and him, Scarface felt the need to leap at them as the grizzly had kept at him……
Finish the story.
To your heart’s content.
But not just for content.🤨😉
I know the feeling.
You know the feeling
My guess, is most of us do.
Know the feeling.
Of wanting to leap at another with the strength of a bear. A grizzly bear.
Hiding it only pays the attention to it.
That is deserves.
If, in fact. Anyone deserves anything, bad or good.
There IS such a thing as insincere honesty.
A line in the sand.
A line in the sand is really only drawn if it is not crossed.
Unshaken by doubt and death.
Front of the line.
Back of the line.
Last Lines
Emily Bronte
No coward soul is mine,
No trembler in the world’s storm-troubled sphere:
I see Heaven’s glories shine,
And faith shines equal, arming me from fear.
O God, within my breast,
Almighty, ever present Deity!
Life—that in me has rest,
As I—undying Life—have power in Thee!
Vain are the thousand creeds
That move men’s hearts: utterly vain;
Worthless as withered weeds,
Or idlest froth amid the boundless main,
To waken doubt in one
Holding so fast by thine infinity;
So surely anchored on
The steadfast rock of immortality.
With wide-embracing love
Thy Spirit animates eternal years,
Pervades and broods above,
Changes, sustains, dissolves, creates, and rears.
Though earth and man were gone,
And suns and universes ceased to be,
And Thou were left alone,
Every existence would exist in Thee.
There is no room for Death,
Nor atom that his might could render void:
Thou—Thou are Being and Breath,
And what Thou art may never be destroyed.
To infinity and beyond?
Your choice.
Willingness to do what they want you to do. (bs)
Your choice.
Interpreting dogma in the dogged sense may be wearingly one way to pull the tug of war back to your side, over the line, the line in the sand. Hostility and criticism pulled over the line will not do anyone any good.
Silly you.
Happy and fortunate can turn—on a dime—to foolish and unsophisticated. In a-grizzly-bear-heartbeat minute. Either way. The scars are there. Hidden deep. Or. For all the world to see.
Either way.
Hamster wheel = Euphemism treadmill.
Same difference.
Definition of insanity.
Round and round and round we go. Where it stops nobody knows.
A belief is a right.
Held unquestioningly and with un defended certainty.
Skeptics roam about.
That is ok.
That is their right too.
When opinions and questions cannot be discussed rationally in a moment of fear… the time when the grizzly bear inside of us may burst out, come onto the scene. With a vengeance and bear claws in defense mode of that which has been held inside for far too long.
We become mystified, are surprised it is within us, and that we have it in us to react in such a way. To explode. Buried deep within lies the previous path we walked coming to the fork in the road of the future path we want to take.
Or think we want to take.
Aren’t sure.
Because like Scarface.
We killed the grizzly bear.
Showed him who was boss.
Did not have a clear plan why, but knew it felt like the right thing to do.
Unleash our inner beast.
Hoping upon hope, someone noticed that we were not the grizzly bear type.
Bottled up and bottle necked for a time.
Just had a lot to say☺️.
Scars are the reminders.
Usually of the sadder type.
Reminders of what was.
May be hints of what can be.
But we will not know until we get there.
To really know how it will be
When we get there.
Because half of the battle is
Getting there.
Roadblocks appear.
Crossing the border, the line need not cause such fear.
Remember you still have the power to steer.
Scars test our ability to grow.
In ways small and large.
And if ya gotta scream or yell, to get there.
Who am I to judge?
I am not going to judge.
Won’t judge. You.
Hoping the best for you as much as you hope for the best for me.
Sounds “even steven” to me.
Even as time marches on and intermittent attempts to kneecap occur.
Face your fears.
With the mentality of a tiny grizzly bear in your pocket.
Better that than cat fight…..that oftentimes goes no where.
Every scar has a story.
Dogged dogma.
Is worth the honest, loyal, fortuitous fight.
Your choice.
How you choose.
The good doggos.
The bear claw grizzley.
The catty cat.
The path chosen is not better or worst.
It is just different
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