Written Thoughts

Submitted into Contest #45 in response to: Write a story about change.... view prompt

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I’m going to start from the beginning. This story is written from the heart, may God use these hands to write something beautiful. One letter, hope, and love. Just to be willing to take that risk to be with him. 

And I know one thing, this risk is worth it.

Love, Shannon…


Part 1: My Diary (wish I had one :()

Dear diary...

At first, it didn’t really mean anything. I just grabbed it off the shelf. It said: “Father’s Love Letter.” Yes, sounds silly...right? I didn’t know. And I’m going, to be honest. I don’t remember how old I was, but I was pretty young. And around that time I was seeking something to do with my life, and for some reason, I wasn’t satisfied with this life. My heartfelt crushed, now I am 11 years old. Big change right? Sure. Let’s go with that. This was the time in my life when I decided to receive Jesus into my life. And what’s that expression I used to hear people at church say? Oh yeah, “It’s a journey”. Oh! How about this? “Just take the risk. Don’t hesitate.”

Pretty professional, knowing myself. But now mommy found another church. Grace Church... Sounds lovely. (My opinion! DON’T JUDGE ME!). Now anyway... We started going here, and for some reason, the youth Pastor (Ethan), looks like Barry Allen. A.K.A the Flash. Not going to lie after moving from my first church STG. (Smithtown Gospel Tabernacle). I felt scared, like not to trust anyone. Try and force me to be the shy one in the room...hehe like that’s going to happen -_-. I felt like..well I wasn’t going to make any friends. AND WHEN I SAW KATELYN RILEY! (A girl from school.) I felt like I was going to have a panic attack. But now...it’s different...

Part 2: Moving On

Dear diary (again)...

12 now. Life moves by fast. I am still trying to find my place in this world. I go to STG and Grace now. I challenged myself to make friends there. I seem to like the type of girl who can easily make friends, everyone thinks that of me. (i think). When I walked back through those doors, seeing all of the people who had made friends “back then.” Let’s just say...I wanted to hide, not be there. And of course, no one I used to know welcomed me back or said “Hi!” to me. I expected that of course. My sister felt uncomfortable too, not Hallie tho. Week after week I tried to make friends, but I always stayed in the same spot. Then one day it happened. I decided to push myself and go week after week and talk to people. Instead of just skipping a week here and there. 

Not sure why, but I just did. 

Wednesday: I wish I remembered the date.

The songs that the worship team played at the beginning and the end were: “Love So Strong and Alabaster Heart”. And another song I would love to keep to myself.

Heh. When these songs played it opened up something new in my life. A fire. A powerful blazing fire of a spirit. The Holy Spirit Moved Me more than I had ever been before. That moment is the best one in my WHOLE LIFE!

Part 3: The Melody Of My Praise!

(I don’t care how long these chapter names are -_-)

Dear diary… (the newest and latest :#)

These songs plus the one I love the most were playing first. Then I watched a girl I saw before. She went up to the altar, got on her knees, and worshiped God with open arms. At that moment the Spirit of God moved in me, I didn’t know it then. But that was the first miracle I ever had experienced. I had a choice. To let the devil win over me with fear and anxiety OR to follow the one TRUE FATHER and come to HIS PRESENCE! This moved me. (repeated). Tonight I was alone at church, I didn’t know this. But that was God’s Plan. That night. That specific one. He used it to bring me on my knees AT THE ALTAR, back to him. His arms open wide, forgiving me “like it was the first time”. He wanted me. He wants you kid. Whoever it is reading this. God will bring you to him. He has a plan for YOU! You may not know it yet. But this is when the Holy Spirit was in me all the way to this day and on: Wednesday, April 29, 2020. He has a plan for you. And next is the letter that moved me and brought me to tears. All that’s in it is from the bible, put together in a special letter made for me and YOU!

Part 4: Father’s Love Letter

(Sorry not dear diary for this one :D)

“My Child,

    You may not know me, but I know everything about you (Ps 139:1) I know when you sit down and when you rise up (Ps 139:2). I am familiar with all your ways (Ps 139:3)-- even the very hairs on your head are numbered (Matt 10:29-31).

You were made in my image (Gen 1:27). In me you live and move and have your being, for you are my offspring (Acts 17:28). I knew you even before you were conceived (Jer 1:4-5). I chose you when I planned creation (Eph 1:11-12). You were not a mistake, for all your days are written in my book (Ps 13915-16). I determined the exact time of your birth and where you would live (Acts 17:26). You are fearfully and wonderfully made (Ps 139:14). I knit you together in your mother’s womb (Ps 139:13), and brought you forth on the day you were born (Ps 71:6).

I have been misrepresented by those who don’t know me (John 8:41-44). I am not distant and angry, but I am the complete expression of love (1 John 4:16). And it is my desire to lavish my love on you (1 John 3:1), simply because you are my child and I am your Father (1 John 3:1). I offer you more than your earthly father ever could (Matt 7:11), for I am the perfect Father (Matt 5:48). Every good gift that you receive comes from my hand (James 1:17), for I am your provider and I meet all your needs (Matt 3:31-33). 

My plan for your future has always been filled with hope (Jer 29:11) because I love you with an everlasting love (Jer 31:2). My thoughts toward you are countless as the sand on the seashore (Ps 139:17-18), and I rejoice over you with singing (Zeph 3:17). I will never stop doing good to you (Jer 32:40), for you are my treasured possession (Ex 19.5).

   I desire to establish you with all my heart and all my soul (Jer 32:41), and I want to show you great and marvelous things (Jer 33:3). If you seek me with all your heart, you will find me (Deut 4:29); delight in me and I will give you the desires of your heart (Ps 37:4), for it is I who gave you those desires (Phil 2:13).

     I am able to do more for you than you could possibly imagine (Eph 3:20), for I am your greatest encourager (2 Thess 2:16--17). I am also the Father who confronts you in all your troubles (2 Cor 1:3--4). When you are brokenhearted, I am close to you (Ps 34:18); as a shepherd carries a lamb, I have carried you close to my heart (Isa 40:11). One day I will wipe away every tear from your eyes, and I will take away all the pain you have suffered on this earth (Rev 21:3--4).

I am your Father, and I love you even as I love my son, Jesus (John 17:23). In him, my love for you is revealed (John 17.26). He is the exact representation of my being (Heb 1:3). He came to demonstrate that I am for you, not against you (2 Cor 5:18--19). Jesus died so that you and I could be reconciled (2 Cor 5:18-19). His death was the ultimate expression of my love for you (1 John 4:10): I gave up everything I loved that I might gain your love (Rom 8:31-32).

If you receive the gift of my son, Jesus, you receive me (1 John 2:23), and nothing will ever separate you from my love again (Rom 8:38-39). Come home and I’ll throw the biggest party heaven has ever seen (Luke 15:7). I have always been Father and will always be Father (Eph 3:14--15). My question is: will you be my child? (John 1:12--13) I am waiting for you (Luke 15:11--32).

Love, your Dad

(Almighty God)

Part 5: The End? Right?

Dear diary…(Woah it’s back :O)

This letter touched my heart, not my relationship is growing in him! AND I KNOW NOW MORE THAN EVER! THAT I AM GOING HOME TO MY FATHER! AND NOTHING WILL EVER STOP ME FROM COMING TO HIM! NOT THE DEVIL! NOT FLESH! NOT BONE! NOT ANYONE ON THIS WORLD! My God...if this isn’t a journey back home then what is? This is a true story that is shaping ME AND YOU! And this story is still happening..and right now I am going to meet my Father and praise and WORSHIP HIM! I LOVE HIM! I AM HIS CHILD AND HE IS MY FATHER!

Love, Shannon-Nicole (Or the other way around)

And your Father who has spoken through me in this story/letter.

June 10, 2020 15:50

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1 comment

Tvisha Yerra
02:51 Jun 18, 2020

Here for critique circle :). Cute and heart-warming story! Since you are a fairly new writer on Reedsy, I would like to offer some advice. #1. Don't shout too much, it seems a bit over the top, no offense. Or maybe de-capitalize the letters, but put an exclamation mark at the end. #2. If you want to get popular, don't be afraid to look through other stories. More people will recognize you if you reach out to them. Hope this helped! Stay safe. :) P.S. I love your profile pic!


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