Drama Friendship Crime

Alter Other

I walk into the mall quickly, a clear indication of purpose, I am certain of the reason why I came to shop, and I just have to make the purchase and go.  However much I try to focus my mind on developing an awareness of the activities taking place, I cannot forgo the reality that I am also watching myself take the actions. No, I do not mean imagination, I also have a real perception of my actions, an embodiment of myself which observes, noting the decisions taken, interrupting none, but very present……

For instance, I observe that I have walked into the mall at a quick pace, not that there is reason to hurry, but that just to create awareness to other people in the mall and get recognized. 

I am perusing through the shelves. I find the items I wanted; a large yogurt latte, popcorns, cakes. I pick them mechanically without thinking. 

I then reach the shelf with cards. I hesitate and check them out. 

Happy anniversary. This card is outdated. My alter other watches the interchange without interrupting. 

I look back into the rack, more cards.

Wow! That one is huge!

I pick it up; Congratulations on your wedding. 

Come on. 

I ought not to buy a card anyway. I rearrange the cards back in the order I found them. One ought to be orderly. 

I move again, thinking whether to pay in cash or by card. 

Wow, here are the juices. Orange, green flavored, black currant, pineapple. I read them fast as I pass. The price tags pull back at me; only $ 2.20 for a two-liter bottle. 

Pick it up, Mike.

It ain’t in the budget. 

I walk fast. 

When will you treat yourself to anything good? 

I retrace my steps and pick the bottle. 

I add to my cart. 

The cash I have is not enough to cater to these purchases now. 

Wait, I have a $10 bill somewhere. 


Yes, I got it. 

I walk into line and try to focus. 

The cashier is beautiful. 

Why are they almost always girls? 

The line moves. I move along with it. 

Excuse me, but would mind paying at the next counter. 

She is giving out the sales she has done so far. The next till is quite busy, I bypass to check whether there is a less crowded till. 

It's time you exercised patience young man. 

The last till is as crowded. 

I will stick to the line;  I will only pay through this teller.  

The popcorns gonna be my lunch today. 

I have not tendered in my research; I need to polish it up. 

My turn comes in fast. 

Boy, this teller knows his crap. 



Money has a voice. My mind laughs at the sound of the till as it opens to allow the teller to give me my balance. 

I walk out slowly. Immediately I leave the building, the sun’s glare blinds me. 

I take my time to adjust. 

I am going home right away. 

I hail a taxi. 

Must not be expensive for this ride. 


Let’s get going. 

Driving is hectic, up and down on a similar route every day. 

But it's work anyway. 

Have you registered to vote, young man? 

No, you. 

I have, we need better leaders. 

They don’t exist. Yes, we need better leaders. 

What do you do for a living? 

Am in college. Nothing.  

And you can afford to ride a cab. 

Yes. My dad can. 

You look big enough to be a dad. 

Mind your business. Really! 

Well, here we are. 

You need to learn to take pay attention to your affairs and your affairs only. Thanks for the ride, here is your money. 

Thanks, young man, see you again. 

Not you, not this car. Certainly, boss. I wave as I walk out of the lot into the building.

It is now warm. This building towers as such just to accommodate humanity. 

Steady on the stairs. 

Floor number one. 

This flat needs some cleaning. 

Floor number two. 

There are not many clothes on the line today. Maybe I ought to wash. 

Flour number three. 

That house is well-positioned. 

Last floor. 

I approach the door. Security. 

Check for the keys. 

Am in, feels comfy in here. 

I remove my jacket. 

Can’t find the remote. 

Load music. 

The couch serves to give more comfort. Just a few minutes and I will be well-rested to tackle the research proposal. 

I flutter my eyes open. 

Damn, It feels like three days are gone by. Darkness spreads from outside. 

I check my watch. Splattered popcorns everywhere. 

Half-past nine. An hour and a half for the proposal. 

I roll over to the door and with on the lights, then walk into the bedroom to lick the laptop. 


Where is everything? 

I walk around in the darkened room. Then I see the swinging window. This has been clean theft. 

I walk around frustrated. I want to knock somebody to calm my nerves. 

I walk out of the house in anger to borrow a laptop to handle the research due. 

It’s cold than it usually is. Maybe am terrified. 

Did you close the door? 

Does it matter? 

I walk in a trance across the street and walk into Alan’s house. 

Hey! Can’t you have the modesty to know…..

Oh! ….

Alan can I borr….

What are my things doing in your living room, Alan? 

Well, they are not yours no more. 

Well, they are, and you will return them just as you took them. 

Via the window? 

No, discreetly as you took them. 

Why would I do that? 

To demonstrate that you are a fool. 

Alan rushes over to attack me, but I swiftly hold him tight and put him on the floor. 

I twist his fingers tight until he screams.

I take my laptop and leave. 

Dint forget to rearrange the bedroom when you are at it, Alan. 

You son of a ….

Don’t dare to make me come back again. 

Please don’t, Gerald, it is in order.  

August 05, 2021 20:10

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